- GeoMechanics Lab Home
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- Resedimentation
- Sample Characterization
- Constant Rate of Strain (CRS) Testing
- Permeability
- Downhole Tools
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Bldg 131, 1.204 Lab Floor Plan
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Bldg 131, 2.308 Lab Floor Plan
click for larger imageLABORATORY FACILITIES
The GeoMechanics laboratory is a state-of-the-art research facility housed in the Bureau of Economic Geology at The University of Texas at Austin.
Laboratory Specifications
- 750 ft2 of climate controlled laboratory space
- 200 ft2 resedimentation laboratory and sediment library
- Two general-use workstations and communal meeting area
- Three 10,000 lb. computer controlled load frames
- One 50,000 lb. computer controlled load frame
- Computer controlled constant rate of strain, flow through permeability, and triaxial soil testing
- Lab-wide universal data acquisition system and wi-fi
- Lathe, drill press, and band saw along with a well-stocked selection of hand and power tools
- High-pressure biaxial core holder, ultra-high resolution Quizix pumps housed in a temperature controlled blast box
- Extensive online testing database housing results from every test run in the lab