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Reprocessing of Gulfrex Venezuelan Seismic Data
and Radar Data Processing
By Armando Sena.
During the spring semester, I was supported by the UTIG student cruise funds to assist to the NE Venezuela and Trinidad Ewing cruise and also to help in reprocessing the old Gulfrex seismic data set. The cruise was postponed but I worked in organizing and reprocessing 6447 km of the Gulfrex stacked 2D seismic lines from the northern Venezuelan margin. These lines were collected in 1971 by Gulf Oil Company and given to UTIG in 1984. The lines provide useful coverage of areas of northern Venezuela and Trinidad that are not covered by any other seismic data available to academic researchers. These data will be used for the planning of new lines during the January 2004 Ewing cruise to the area (originally planned for March, 2003) and as complementary data for the geological and structural interpretation of the area. I will show a map with the data coverage, discuss some problems presented with some of the lines and mention some of the processing applied to the data. Finally, I will show some examples of the reprocessed lines.
In the second part of the talk, I will give a very short description of the Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) technique and I will show some of the results I have obtained during my PhD study in processing and modeling of GPR data; in particular, some results obtained in migration of GPR data in conductive media by using the Split step Fourier technique will be shown.