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Dalziel, I.W.D. and Lawver, L.A., Does the British Isles Tertiary dyke swarm reflect the former location of the Iceland hotspot?, 2020, In: New ideas in the Earth Sciences, In Memory of Warren Hamilton, G.Foulger and C. Stein, Editors, Memoir Geological Society of America, Boulder Colorado, in press.
Lawver, L.A., Dalziel, I.W.D., Gahagan, L.M. and Norton, I.O, 2020, Intercontinental dispersal routes for South American land mammals: paleogeogrphic constraints. In: Origin and evolution of Cenozoic South American land mammals, A.I. Rosenberger and M.F. Tejedor, Editors, Springer, in press.
Lawver, L.A. and Norton, I.O., to be submitted to Geology, 2020. Implications of a fixed eastern Bahamas Platform hotspot from Mesozoic to Present.
Lloyd, A. J. Wiens, D. A., Zhu, H., Tromp, J., Nyblade, A. A., Aster, R. C., Hansen, S. E., Dalziel, I. W.D, Wilson, T. J., Ivins, E. R., O'Donnell, J. P., 2020, Seismic Structure of the Antarctic Upper Mantle Imaged with Adjoint Tomography. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 125, (3).10.1029/2019JB017823
Lucas, E.M, Accardo, N.J., Nyblade, A.A., Lloyd, A.J., Aster, R.C., Wiens, D.A., O'Donnell, J.P, Stuart, G.W., T.J., Dalziel, I.W., Winberry, J.P., Huerta, A.D., 2020, Seismicity and Pn velocity structure of central West Antarctica, Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, in press.
Hudec, Michael R., Ian O. Norton, 2019, Upper Jurassic structure and evolution of the Yucatan and Campeche subbasins, southern Gulf of Mexico, 2019: AAPG Bulletin DOI: 10.1306/11151817405
Lloyd, A.J., Wiens, D.A., Zhu, H., Tromp, J., Nyblade, A.A., Aster, R.C., Hansen, S.E., Dalziel, I.W.D., and Wilson, T.J., 2019, Seismic structure of the Antarctic upper mantle based on adjoint tomography. Journal of Geophysical Research. DOI: 10.1029/2019JB017823
Lucas, E.M., Soto, D., Nyblade, A.A., Lloyd, A.J., Aster, R.C., Wiens, D.A., O'Donnell, J.P., Stuart, G.W., Wilson, T.J., Dalziel, I.W., Winberry, J.P., and Huerta, A.D., 2019, P- and S-wave velocity structure of central West Antarctica: Implications for the tectonic evolution of the West Antarctic Rift System, Earth and Planetary Science Letters. DOI: 10.1029/2019JB017823
White-Gaynor, A., Nyblade, A.A., Aster, R.C., Wiens, D.A., Bromirski, P.D., Gerstoft, P., Stephen, R.A., Hansen, S.E., Wilson, T., Dalziel, I.W.D., Huerta, A.D., Winberry, J.P., and Anandakrishnan, S., 2019, Heterogeneous upper mantle structure beneath the Ross Sea Embayment and Marie Byrd Land, West Antarctica, revealed by P-wave tomography, Earth Planetary Science Letters, 513, 40-50. DOI: 10.1016/j.epsl.2019.02.013
Sanchez, J., Mann, P., Carvajal-Arenas, L. C., and Bernal-Olaya, R., 2019, Regional transect across the western Caribbean Sea based on integration of geologic, seismic reflection, gravity, and magnetic data, AAPG Bulletin, v. 103, No. 2, pp. 303-343.DOI: 10.1306/05111816516
Eddy, D.R., Van Avendonk, H.J.A., Christeson, G.L., and Norton, I.O., 2018, Structure and origin of the rifted margin of the northern Gulf of Mexico: Geosphere, v. 14, no. 4, 14p,
Davis, J.K., Lawver, L.A., Norton, I.O., Dalziel, I.W.D., and Gahagan, L.M., 2018, The crustal structure of the Enderby Basin, East Antarctica, Marine Geophysical Research, Online First, 16p. 10.1007/s11001-018-9356-5.
Hudec, M. R., and Norton, I.O., 2018, Upper Jurassic structure and evolution of the Yucatan and Campeche subbasins, southern Gulf of Mexico, (in press; preliminary version published online Ahead of Print 21 December 2018): AAPG Bulletin, doi: 10.1306/11151817405.
Curry, M. A. E., Peel, F., Hudec, M. R., and Norton, I. O., 2018, Extensional models for the development of passive-margin salt basins, with application to the Gulf of Mexico: Basin Research, v. 30, no. 6, p. 1180-1199, doi:10.1111/bre.12299.
Breakup of Gondwana - Joshua ("Bud") Davis' dissertation.
Davis, Joshua K. and Luc L. Lavier, 2017, Influences on the development of volcanic and magma-poor morphologies during passive continental rifting, Geosphere, vol. 13, no. 5, 17p, doi:10.1130/GES01538.1.
Cunningham, R., J. W. Snedden, I. O. Norton, H. C. Olson, T. L. Whiteaker, and J. W. Virdell, Upper Jurassic Tithonian-centered source mapping in the deepwater northern Gulf of Mexico, Interpretation, 4, SC97-SC123, 2016, doi:10.1190/INT-2015-0093.1
Davis, J.K., Lawver, L.A., Norton, I.O., and Gahagan, L.M., 2016
New Somali Basin magnetic anomalies and a plate model for the early Indian Ocean
Gondwana Research, vol. 34, pp. 16-28
DOI: 10.1016/,UYEnGN8Q
Dott, R.H., and Dalziel, I.W.D., 2016
Darwin the geologist in southern South America
Earth Science History, vol. 35, no. 2, pp. 303-345
DOI: 10.17704/1944-6178-35.2.303
Heeszel, D.S., Wiens, D.A., Anandakrishnan, S., Aster, R.C., Dalziel, I.W.D., Huerta, A.D., Nyblade, A., Wilson, T.J., and Winberry, J.P., 2016
Upper mantle structure of central and West Antarctica from array analysis of Rayleigh wave phase velocities
Journal of Geophysical Research Solid Earth, vol. 121, pp. 1758-1775
Norton, I.O., D.T. Carruthers, and M.R. Hudec, 2016
Rift to drift transition in the South Atlantic salt basins: A new flavor of oceanic crust
Geology, vol. 44, p. 55-58. doi:10.1130/G37265.1
Van Avendonk, H.J.A., Davis, J.K., Harding, J.L., and Lawver, L.A., 2016
Decrease in oceanic crustal thickness since the breakup of Pangaea
Nature Geoscience,
Dewey, J.F., I.W.D. Dalziel, R. John Reavy, and R.A. Strachan, 2015
The Neoproterozoic to Mid-Devonian evolution of Scotland: A review and unresolved issues
Scottish Journal of Geology, vol. 51, pp. 5-30.
Lloyd, A.J., D.A. Wiens, A.A. Nyblade, S. Anandakrishnan, R.C. Aster, A.D. Huerta, T.J. Wilson, I.W.D. Dalziel, P.J. Shore, and D. Zhao, 2015
A seismic transect across West Antarctica: Evidence for mantle thermal anomalies beneath the Bentley Subglacial Trench and the Marie Byrd Land Dome
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 120, 22p, doi:10.1002/2015JB012455.
Van Avendonk, H. J. A., G. L. Christeson, I. O. Norton, and D. R. Eddy, 2015, Continental rifting and sediment infill in the northwestern Gulf of Mexico
Geology, v. 43, p. 631-634
DOI: 10.1130/G36798.1
Accardo, N.J., Wiens, D.A., Hernandez, S., Aster, R.C., Nyblade, A., Huerta, A., Anandakrishnan, S., Wilson, T., Heeszel, D.S., and Dalziel, I.W.D., 2014
Upper mantle seismic anisotropy beneath the West Antarctic Rift System and surrounding region from shear wave splitting analysis
Geophysical Journal International, vol. 198, pp. 414-429.
Cawood, P.A., Strahan, R.A., Merle, R.E, Millar, I.L., Loewy, S.L., Dalziel, I.W.D., Kinny, P.D., Jourdan, FF., Nemchin, A.A., and Connelly, J.N, 2014
Neoproterozoic to early Paleozoic extension and contraction history of the East Laurentian margin sequences: the Moine Supergroup, Scottish Caledonides
Geological Society of America Bulletin
DOI: 10.1130/B31068.1
Christeson, G. L., Van Avendonk, H. J. A., Norton, I. O., Snedden, J. W., Eddy, D. R., G. D. Karner, and C. A. Johnson, 2014
Deep crustal structure in the eastern Gulf of Mexico
Journal of Geophysical Research Solid Earth, vol. 119, no. 9, pp. 6782-6801.
DOI: 10.1002/2014JB011045
Dalziel, I.W.D., 2014
Cambrian transgression and radiation linked to an Iapetus-Pacific oceanic connection?
Geology, DOI 10.1130/G35886.1
Dalziel, I.W.D., 2014
Drake Passage and the Scotia arc: A tortuous space-time gateway for the Antarctic Circumpolar Current
Geology, vol. 42, no. 4, p. 367-368
doi: 10.1130/focus042014.1
Eddy, D.R., Van Avendonk, H J.A., Christeson, G.L., INorton, I.O., Karner, G.D., Johnson, C.A. and Snedden, J.W., 2014
Deep crustal structure of the northeastern Gulf of Mexico: implications for rift evolution and seafloor spreading
Journal of Geophysical Research Solid Earth, vol. 119, no. 9, pp. 6802-6822.
DOI: 10.1002/2014JB011311
Lawver, L., Gahagan, L.M., and Dalziel, I., 2014.
Reconstructions of the Southern Ocean and Antarctic regions
Chapter 3 in: De Broyer, C., Koubbi, P., Griffiths, H.J., Raymond, B., Udekem d'Acoz, C. d', et al. (editors), Biogeographic Atlas of the Southern Ocean. Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research, Cambridge, pp. 36-42.
Maldonado, A., Dalziel, I.W.D., and Leat, P.T., 2014
The global relevance of the Scotia Arc: An introduction
Global and Planetary Change, p. 8.
Norton, I.O., and Lawver, L.A., 2014
Forum Comment: Seawater chemistry driven by supercontinent assembly, breakup, and dispersal
Geology, v. 42, p. e334
doi: 10.1130/G35109C.1
Pearce, J.A., Hastie, A.R., Leat, P.T., Dalziel, I.W., Lawver, L.A., Barker, P.F., Millar, I.L., Barry, T.I., and Bevins, R.E., 2014
Composition and evolution of the Ancestral South Sandwich Arc: Implications for the flow of deep ocean water and mantle through the Drake Passage Gateway
Global and Planetary Change, vol. 123, pp. 298-322
Snedden, J.W., Norton, I.O., Christeson, G.L., and Sanford, J.C., 2014
Interaction of deepwater deposition and a midocean spreading center, eastern Gulf of Mexico Basin
Trans., Gulf Coast Assn. Geol. Socs., 64, 371-383.
Barker, P.F., Lawver, L.A., and Larter, R.D., 2013
Heat-flow determinations of basement age in small oceanic basins of the southern central Scotia Sea
Geological Society, London, Special Publications, volume 381, pp. 139-150
Dalziel, I.W.D., 2013
Antarctica and supercontinental evolution: Clues and puzzles
Earth and Environmental Science Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh, pp. 3-16
DOI: 10.1017/S175569101200
Dalziel, I.W.D., Lawver, L.A., Norton, I.O., and Gahagan, L.M., 2013
The Scotia Arc: Genesis,evolution, global significance
Annual Review of Earth and Planetary Sciences, vol. 41, pp. 767-793. DOI: 10.1146/annurev-earth-050212-124155
Dalziel, I.W.D., Lawver, L.A., Pearce, J.A., Barker, P.F., Hastie, A.R., Barfod, D.N., Schenke, H-W., and Davis, M.B., 2013
A potential barrier to deep Antarctic circumpolar flow until the late Miocene?
Geology, G34352.1.
DOI: 10.1130/G34352.1
Hudec, M.R., Norton, I.O., Jackson, M.P.A., and Peel, F.J., 2013
Jurassic Evolution of the Gulf of Mexico Salt Basin
American Association of Petroleum Geologists Bulletin
vol. 97, no. 10, pp. 1683-1710 DOI: 10.1306/04011312073
Scheibner, E., Moore, G.W., Drummond, K.J., Dalziel, I.W., Corvalan, Q.J., Moritani, T., Teraoka, Y., Sato, T., and Craddock, C., compilers, 2013, Tectonic map of the circum-Pacific region, Pacific basin sheet, U.S. Geological Survey Circum-Pacific Map CP-52, pamphlet 134 p., 2 sheets, scale 1:17,000,000, and GIS data.
Direen, N.G., Stagg, H.M.J., Symonds, P.A., and Norton, I.O., 2012, Variations in rift symmetry: Cautionary examples from the Southern Rift System (Australia-Antarctica), Geological Society, London, Special Publications, vol. 369, 24p. DOI: 10.1144/SP369.4
Lawver, L., Lee, J., Kim, Y., and Davey, F., 2012, Flat-topped mounds in western Ross Sea: Carbonate mounds or subglacial volcanic features?, Geosphere, vol. 8, no. 3, pp. 645-653. doi:10.1130/GES00766.1
Anderson, J. B., S. Warny, R. A. Askin, J. S. Wellner, S. M. Bohaty, A. Kirshner, D. L. Livsey, A. Simms, T. R. Smith, W. Ehrmann, L. A. Lawver, D. L. Barbeau, S. W. Wise, D. K. Kuhlenek, F. M. Weaver, and W. Majewski, Progressive Cenozoic cooling and the demise of Antarctica's last refugium, Proceedings National Academy of Science, (in press), 2011
Lawver, L. .A., Gahagan, L.M., and Dalziel, I.W.D., 2011, A different look at gateways: Drake Passage and Australia/Antarctica, in Anderson, J.B. and Wellner, J.S. (editors), Tectonic, Climatic, and Cryospheric Evolution of the Antarctic Peninsula, Special Publication No. 063, American Geophysical Union, p. 5-33. DOI: 10.1029/2010SP001017.
Lawver, L.A., Gahagan, L.M., and Norton, I., 2011, Chapter 5 Palaeogeographic and tectonic evolution of the Arctic region during the Paleozoic, in Spencer, A. M., Embry, A. F., Gautier, D. L., Stoupakova, A. V. & Sorensen, K. (editors), Arctic Petroleum Geology, Geological Society, London, Memoirs, v. 35, p. 61-77. doi: 10.1144/M35.5.
Loewy, S.L., Dalziel, I.W.D., Pisarevsky, S., Connelly, J.N., Tait, J., Hanson, R.E., and Bullen, D., 2011, Coats Land crustal block, East Antarctica: A tectonic tracer for Laurentia?, Geology, vol. 39, pp. 859-862. DOI: 10.1130/G32029.1
Norton, I.O., 2011, Two-stage formation of Death Valley, Geosphere, vol. 7( 1), p. 171-182, doi: 10.1130/GES00588.1.
Stern, R.J., Anthony, E.Y., Ren, M., Lock, B.E., Norton, I., Kimura, J.-I., Takashi Miyazaki, Hanyu, T., Chang, Q., and Hirahara, Y., 2011, Southern Louisiana salt dome xenoliths: First glimpse of Jurassic (ca. 160 Ma) Gulf of Mexico crust, Geology, vol. 39(4), p. 315-318, doi: 10.1130/G31635.1.
Norton, I.O., 2011, Two-stage formation of Death Valley, Geosphere, vol. 7( 1), p. 171-182, doi: 10.1130/GES00588.1.2010
Dalziel, I.W.D., 2010, The North-West Highlands memoir: A century-old legacy for understanding Earth before Pangaea, in Law, R.D., Butler, R.W.H., Holdsworth, R.E., Krabbendam, M., and Strachan, R.A. (editors), Continental Tectonics and Mountain Building: The Legacy of Peach and Horne, Geological Society, London, Special Publications, volume 335, pp. 189-205. DOI: 10.1144/SP335.9
Lawver, L., Pease, V., and Jackson, R., 2010, Penrose Conference Report: Tectonic Development of the Amerasia Basin, GSA Today, vol. 20, no. 3, p. 12-13.
Bevis, M., Kendrick, E., Smalley, R., Jr., Dalziel, I., Caccamise, D., Sasgen, I., Helsen, M., Taylor, F.W., Zhou, H., Brown, A., Raleigh, D., Willis, M., Wilson, T., and Konfal, S., 2009, Geodetic measurements of vertical crustal velocity in West Antarctica and the implications for ice mass balance, Geochemistry Geophysics Geosystems, vol. 10, Q10005, doi: 10.1029/2009GC002642, 11p.
Taylor, F.W., Bevis, M.G., Dalziel, I.W.D., Smalley, R., Jr., Frohlich, C., Kendrick, E., Foster, J., Phillips, D., and Gudipati, K., 2008, Kinematics and segmentation of the South Shetland Islands-Bransfield basin system, northern Antarctic Peninsula, Geochemistry Geophysics Geosystems, vol. 9(4), Q04035, doi: 10.1029/2007GC001873.
Dalziel, I.W.D., 2007, The Ellsworth Mountains: Critical and enduringly enigmatic, U.S. Geological Survey and The National Academies; USGS OF-2007-1047, Short Research Paper 004; doi:10.3133/of2007-1047.srp004
Dalziel, I.W.D. and Dott, R.H., Jr., 2007, In Darwin's Footsteps: The Geology of Tierra del Fuego, Bicentenniel Celebrations: 1807-2007, Bicentenniel Field Excursions, The Geological Society of London, pp. 50.
Ghidella, M.E., Lawver, L.A., and Gahagan, L.M., 2007, Break-up of Gondwana and opening of the South Atlantic: Review of existing plate tectonic models, U.S. Geological Survey and The National Academies: USGS OF-2007-1047, Short Research Paper 055, doi:10.3133/of2007-1047.srp055.
Lawver, L.A., Davis, M.B., Wilson, T.J., and the shipboard scientific party, 2007, Neotectonic and other features of the Victoria Land Basin, Antarctica, interpreted from multibeam bathymetry data, U.S. Geological Survey and The Naional Academies, USGS OF-2007-1047, Extended Abstract. 017.
Mann, P., Rogers, R., and Gahagan, L., 2007, Overview of plate tectonic history and its unresolved tectonic problems, in Central America - Geology, Resources and Hazards, J.Bundschuh and G. E. Alvarado (editors), published by Taylor and Francis, Chapter 8.
Dalziel, I.W.D., 2006, On the Extent of the Active West Antarctic Rift System, Terra Antarctica Reports, vol. 12, pp. 193-202.
Golonka, J., Gahagan, L., Krobicki, M., Marko, F., Oszczypko, N., and ?l?czka, A., Plate-tectonic Evolution and Paleogeography of the Circum-Carpathian Region. Accepted for publication in J. Golonka and F.J. Picha (editors), The Carpathians and Their Foreland: Geology and Hydrocarbon Resources, AAPG Memoir 84, p. 11-46, 2006.
Gose, W. A., Hanson, R. E., Dalziel, I. W. D., Pancake, J. A., and Seidel, E. K., 2006, Paleomagnetism of the 1.1 Ga Umkondo large igneous province in southern Africa, Journal of Geophysical Research, v. 111, No. B9, B09101, doi: 10.1029/2005JB003897.
Hanson, R.E., Harmer, R.E., Blenkinsop, T.G., Bullen, D.S., Dalziel, I.W.D., Gose, W.A., Hall, R.P., Kampunzu, A.B., Key, R.M., Mukwakwami, J., Munyanyiwa, H., Pancake, J.A., Seidel, E.K., and Ward, S.E., 2006, Mesoproterozoic intraplate magmatism in the Kalahari Craton: A review, Journal of African Earth Sciences, vol. 46, pp. 141-167.
Lawver, L.A., Blankenship, D., and Gahagan, L.M., 2006, East Antarctica: Onshore-offshore uncertainties for cryospheric evolution, Terra Antarctica Reports, vol. 12, pp. 177-186.
Dalziel, I.W.D., 2005, Earth before Pangea, Scientific American, vol. 15, no. 5, p. 14-21
Lawver, L.A. and Davey, F.J., 2005, River-like erosion within the Bounty Submarine Channel, Southwest Pacific Ocean, Marine Geology, vol. 216, p. 101-106.
Meckel, T. A., P. Mann, S. Mosher, and M. F. Coffin (2005), Influence of cumulative convergence on lithospheric thrust fault development and topography along the Australian-Pacific plate boundary south of New Zealand, Geochem. Geophys. Geosyst., 6, Q09010, doi:10.1029/2005GC000914.
Cowley, S., Mann, P., Coffin, M.F., and Shipley, 2004, Oligocene to Recent tectonic history of the Central Solomon intra-arc basin as determined from marine seismic reflection data and compilation of onland geology, Tectonophysics, vol. 389(3-4), 267-307.
Hanson, R.E., Crowley, J.L., Bowring, S.A., Ramezani, J., Gose, W.A., Dalziel, I.W.D., Pancake, J.A., Seidel, E.K., Blenkinsop, T.G., and Mukwakwami, J., 2004, Coeval large-scale magmatism in the Kalahari and Laurentian cratons during Rodinia assembly, Science, vol. 304, pp. 1126-1129.
Loewy, S., Connelly, J. N., and Dalziel, I. W. D., 2004, An orphaned basement block: The Arequipa-Antofalla Basement of Andean South America, Geological Society of America Bulletin, v. 116, no. 1/2, p. 171-187.
Phinney, E.J., Mann, P., Coffin, M.F., and Shipley, 2004, Sequence stratigraphy, structural style, and age of deformation of the Malaita accretionary prism (Solomon arc-Ontong Java Plateau convergent zone), Tectonophysics, vol. 389(3-4), 221-246.
Brozena, J.M., Childers, V.A., Lawver, L.A., Gahagan, L.M., Forsberg, R., Faleide, J.I., and Eldholm, O., 2003, New aeorgeophysical study of the Eurasia Basin and Lomonosov Ridge: Implications for basin development, Geology, vol. 31(9), p. 825-828.
Lawver, L.A. and Gahagan, L.M., 2003, Evolution of Cenozoic seaways in the circum-Antarctic region, Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, vol. 198, p. 11-37.
Loewy, S. L., Connelly, J. N., Dalziel, I. W. D., and Gower, C. F., 2003, Eastern Laurentia in Rodinia: Constraints from whole-rock Pb and U-Pb Geochronology, in Sircombe, K. N., and McElhinny, M. W., eds., Orogenic Belts, Regional and Global Tectonics: A Memorial Volume to Chris McAulay Powell, Tectonophysics, vol. 375, p. 169-197.
Macdonald, D., Gomez-Perez, I., Franzese, J., Spalletti, L., Lawver, L., Gahagan, L., Dalziel, I., Thomas, C., Trewin, N., Hole, M., and Paton, D., 2003, Mesozoic break-up of SW Gondwana: Implications for Regional Hydrocarbon Potential of the southern South Atlantic, Marine and Petroleum Geology, vol. 20, pp. 287-308.
Mann, P., Gahagan, L., and Gordon, M.B., 2003, Tectonic setting of the world's giant oil and gas fields, in M. T. Halbouty, ed., Giant oil and gas fields of the decade 1990-1999, AAPG Memoir 78, p. 15-105.
Meckel, T., Coffin, M., Mosher, S., Symonds, P., Bernadel, G., and Mann, P., 2003, Underthrusting at the Hjort Trench, Australian-Pacific plate boundary: Incipient subduction?, G-cubed, vol. 4(12): 1099, doi:10.1029/2002GC000498.
Smalley, R., Jr., Kendrick, E., Bevis, M.G., Dalziel, I.W.D., Taylor, F., Lauría, E., Barriga, R., Casassa, G., Olivero, E., and Piana, E., 2003, Geodetic determination of relative plate motion and crustal deformation across the Scotia-South America plate boundary in eastern Tierra del Fuego, Geochemistry Geophysics Geosystems, vol. 4(9), 1070, doi:10.1029/2002GC000446.
Coffin, M. F., Pringle, M. S., Duncan, R. A., Gladczenko, T.P., Storey, M., Müller, R.D., and Gahagan, L.M., 2002, Kerguelen hotspot magma output since 130 Ma, Journal of Petrology, vol. 43(7), p. 1121-1139.
Iturralde-Vinent, M.A. and Gahagan, L., 2002, Late Eocene to Middle Miocene Tectonic Evolution of the Caribbean: Some principles and their implications for plate tectonic modelling. In: T.A. Jackson (Editor), Caribbean Geology Into the Third Millennium: Transactions of the Fifteenth Caribbean Geological Conference. University of the West Indies Press, Mona, Jamaica, p. 47-62.
Keller, R. A., Fisk, M.R., Smellie, J.L., Strelin, J.A., and Lawver, L.A., 2002, Geochemistry of back arc basin volcanism in Bransfield Strait, Antarctica: Subducted contributions and along-axis variations, Journal of Geophysical Research, vol. 107(B8), 10.1029/2001JB000444.
Lawver, L.A., Grantz, A. and Gahagan, L.M., 2002, Plate kinematic evolution of the present Arctic region since the Ordovician. In: E.L. Miller, A. Grantz and S.L. Klemperer (Editors), Tectonic Evolution of the Bering Shelf-ChukchiSea-Arctic Margin and Adjacent Landmasses, Special Paper. Geological Society of America, Boulder, CO, p. 333-358.
Wallace, P.J., Frey, F.A., Weis, D., and Coffin, M.F., 2002, Origin and evolution of the Kerguelen Plateau, Broken Ridge and Kerguelen Archipelago: Editorial, Journal of Petrology, vol. 43(7), p. 1105-1108.
Coffin, M.F., and Eldholm, O., 2001, Large igneous provinces, in Steele, J.H., Thorpe, S.A., and Turekian, K.K., eds., Encyclopedia of Ocean Sciences, Academic Press, London, p. 1290-1298.
Coffin, M. F. and Eldholm, O., 2001, Large igneous provinces: Progenitors of some ophiolites?, in Ernst, R. E. and Buchan, K. L., eds., Mantle Plumes: Their Identification Through Time, Boulder, CO, Geological Society of America Special Paper 352, p. 59-70.
Dalziel, I.W.D. and Lawver, L.A., 2001, The lithospheric setting of the West Antarctic ice sheet, Antarctic Research Series, 77: 29-44.
Dalziel, I. W. D., and N. J. Soper, Neoproterozoic extension on the Scottish promontory of Laurentia: Paleogeograhic and tectonic implications, Journal of Geology, 109, 299-317, 2001.
Dalziel, I.W.D., 2001, A global perspective on the Scottish Caledonides, Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh: Earth Sciences, vol. 91, pp. 405-420.
Gladczenko, T.P., and Coffin, M.F., 2001, Kerguelen Plateau crustal structure and basin formation from seismic and gravity data, Journal of Geophysical Research Solid Earth, vol. 106(B8), p. 16583-16601
Mann, P., Gahagan, L., and Gordon, M.B., 2001, Tectonic setting of the world's giant oil fields, World Oil. Part 1: Sept. 2001, vol. 222, no. 9, p. 42-50; Part 2: October 2001, vol. 222, no. 10, p. 78-82, 84; Part 3: November 2001, vol. 222, no. 11
Nicolaysen, K., Bowring, S., Frey, F., Weis, D., Ingle, S., Pringle, M.S., Coffin, M.F., and Leg 183 Shipboard Scientific Party, 2001, Provenance of Proterozoic garnet-biotite gneiss recovered from Elan Bank, Kergeulen Plateau, southern Indian Ocean, Geology, vol. 29, no. 3, p. 235-38.
Barker, P.F. and Lawver, L.A., 2000, Anomalous temperatures in central Scotia Sea sediments - bottom water variation or pore water circulation in old ocean crust, Geophysical Research Letters, vol. 27, no. 1, pp. 13-16.
Coffin, M.F., 2000, Scientific ocean drilling in the early 21st centruy and seismic survey requirements, presented at the 2000 Offshore Technology Conference held in Houston, Texas 1-4 May 2000, p. 3. OTC 11942.
Coffin, M.F., Frey, F.A., Wallace, P.J., and Shipboard Scientific Party, 2000, Leg 183 Summary: Kergeulen Plateau-Broken Ridge - A large igneous province, in Proceedings of the Ocean Drilling Program, Initial Reports, Ocean Drilling Program, College Station, Texas, volume 183, p. 1-101.
Dalziel, I.W.D., Texas through time, 2000, The University of Texas at Austin Discovery magazine, vol. 15(3), pp. 12-17.
Dalziel, I.W.D., Lawver, L.A., and Murphy, J.B., 2000, Plumes, orogenesis, and supercontinental fragmentation, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, volume 178(1-2), pp. 1-11.
Dalziel, I.W.D., Mosher, S., and Gahagan, L.M., 2000, Laurentia-Kalahari collision and the assembly of Rodinia, Journal of Geology, 108:499-513.
Eldholm, O., and Coffin, M.F., 2000, Large igneous provinces and plate tectonics, in M.A. Richards, R.G. Gordon and R.D. van der Hilst (eds.), The History and Dynamics of Global Plate Motions, Geophysical Monograph, 121: 309-326, American Geophysical Union, Washington, D.C.
Eldholm, O., Coffin, M.F., Stoffa, P.L., and Austin, J.A., Jr., 2000, Academic/industrial cooperation in marine seismology: An international model, presented at the 2000 Offshore Technology Conference held in Houston, Texas 1-4 May 2000, p. 3. OTC 11944.
Frey, F.A., Coffin, M.F., Wallace, P.J., Weis, D., Zhao, X., Wise, S.W., Jr., Whnert, V., Teagle, D.A.,H., Saccocia, P.J., Reusch, D.N., Pringle, M.S., Nicolaysen, K.E., Neal, C.R., Mòller, R.D., Moore, C.L., Mahoney, J.J., Keszthelyi, L., Inokuchi, H., Duncan, R.A., Delius, H., Damuth, J.E., Damasceno, D., Coxall, H.K., Borre, M.K., Boehm, F., Barling, J., Arndt, N.T., and Antretter, M., 2000, Origin and evolution of a submarine large igneous province: The Kerguelen Plateau and Broken Ridge, southern Indian Ocean, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, vol. 176(1), 73-89.
Kong, F., Lawver, L.A., and Lee, T.-Y., 2000, Evolution of the southern Taiwan-Sinzi folded zone and opening of the southern Okinawa trough, Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, volume 18, pp. 325-341.
Massell, C., Coffin, M.F., Mann, P., Mosher, S., Frohlich, C., Duncan, C.S., Karner, G., Ramsay, D., and Lebrun, J.-F., 2000, Neotectonics of the Macquarie Ridge Complex, Australia-Pacific plate boundary, Journal of Geophysical Research, volume 105(B6), pp. 13,457-13,480.
Mukasa, S.B., and I.W.D. Dalziel, 2000, Marie Byrd Land, West Antarctica; evolution of Gondwana's Pacific margin constrained by zircon U-Pb geochronology and feldspar common-Pb isotopic compositions, Geological Society of America Bulletin, volume 112, pp. 611-627.
Muszala, S., Stoffa, P.L., and Lawver, L.A., 2000, An application for removing cultural noise from aeromagnetic data, Geophysics, 66(1): 213-219.
Symonds, P.A., Coffin, M.F., Taft, G., and Kagami, H., Ridge Issues, accepted for Cook, P.J. and Carleton, C.M. (editors), Continental Shelf Limits: The Scientific and Legal Interface, Oxford University Press, 2000, pp. 285-307.
Coffin, M.F., Frey, F., and Wallace, P., 1999, Kerguelen Plateau-Broken Ridge: A Large Igneous Province, Ocean Drilling Program, Leg 183 Preliminary Report, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX, pp. 105.
Coffin, M.F., Frey, F., and Wallace, P., 1999, Ocean Drilling Program Leg 183 Scientific Prospectus Kerguelen-Broken Ridge: A Large Igneous Province, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX, pp. 71.
Dalziel, I.W.D., 1999, Vestiges of a beginning and the prospect of an end, in Craig, G.Y. and Hull, J.H., James Hutton - Present and Future, Geological Society, London, Special Publications, vol. 150, p. 119-155.
Phinney, E. J., Mann, P., Coffin, M.F., and Shipley, T.H., 1999, Sequence stratigraphy, structure, and tectonic history of the southwestern Ontong Java Plateau adjacent to the North Solomon trench and solomon Islands arc, Journal of Geophysical Research, vol. 104(B9), p. 20449-20466.
Dalziel, I.W.D. and Astini, R.A., 1998, Early Paleozoic paleogeography of Laurentia and western Gondwana: Evidence from tectonic subsidence analysis: Comment, Geology, vol. 26(6), 575-576.
Kong, F., 1998, Continental Margin Deformation Analysis and Reconstruction - Evolution of the East china sea Basin and Adjacent Plate Interaction, Ph.D. Dissertation, Department of Geological Sciences, The University of Texas at Austin, pp. 264.
Lawver, L.A., and L. M. Gahagan, 1998, Opening of Drake Passage and its impact on Cenozoic ocean circulation, in Tectonic Boundary Conditions for Climate Reconstructions, edited by T.J. Crowley and K.C. Burke, Oxford Univ. Press, Oxford Monographs on Geology and Geophysics, v. 39, 212-223.
Lawver, L.A., Gahagan, L.M, and Dalziel, I.W.D., 1998, A Tight fit-Early Mesozoic Gondwana, A Plate Reconstruction Perspective, Origin and Evolution of Continents: Proceedings of the International Symposium "Origin and Evolution of Continents," 13-14 October, 1997, Tokyo, Motoyoshi, Y. and Shiraishi, K. (editors), Memoirs of National Institute of Polar Research, Special Issue, No. 53, p354.. 214-229.
Schuur, C.L., Coffin, M.F., Frohlich, C., Massell, C.G., Karner, G.D., Ramsay, D., and Caress, D.W., 1998, Sedimentary regimes at the Macquarie Ridge Complex: Interaction of Southern Ocean circulation and plate boundary bathymetry, Paleoceanography, v. 13(6): 646-670.
Viele, G.W., Thomas, W.A., and Dalziel, I.W.D., 1998, Neoproterozoic-Paleozoic geography and tectonics: Review, hypothesis, environmental speculation: Discussions and reply, Geological Society of America Bulletin, vol. 110, no. 12, p. 1615-1620.
Wiens, D.A., Wysession, M.E., Lawver, L.A., 1998, Recent oceanic intraplate earthquake in Balleny Sea was largest ever detected, EOS, Transactions, American Geophysical Union, vol. 79(30), p. 353-354.
Dalziel, I.W.D., 1997, Overview: Neoproterozoic-Paleozoic geography and tectonics: Review, hypothesis, environmental speculation, Geological Society of America Bulletin, vol. 109(1), pp. 16-42.
Frohlich, C., Coffin, M.C., Massell, C., Mann, P., Schuur, C.L., Davis, S.D., Jones, T., and Karner, G., 1997, Constraints on Macquarie Ridge tectonics provided by Harvard focal mechanisms and teleseismic earthquake locations, Journal of Geophysical Research, 102(B3): 5029-5041.
Gladczenko, T., Coffin, M.F., and Eldholm, O., 1997, Crustal structure of the Ontong Java Plateau: Modeling of new gravity and existing seismic data, Journal of Geophysical Research, 102(B10): 22711-22729.
Gose, W.A., Helper, M.A., Connelly, J.N., Hutson, F.E., and Dalziel, I.W.D., 1997, Paleomagnetic data and U-Pb isotopic age determinations from Coats Land, Antarctica: Implications for late Proterozoic plate reconstructions, Journal of Geophysical Research, vol. 102, no. B4, p. 7887-7902.
Mueller, R.D., Roest, W.R., Royer, J.Y., Gahagan, L.M., and Sclater, J.G., 1997, Digital isochrons of the world's ocean floor, Journal of Geophysical Research - Solid Earth, 102(B2): 3211-3214.
Dalziel, I.W.D., Dalla Salda, L., Cingolani, C., and Palmer, P., 1996, The Argentine precordillera: A Laurentian terrane?, GSA Today, vol 6, no. 2, p. 16-18.
Dalziel, I.W.D., Dalla Salda, L.H., Torsvik, T.H., Tait, J., Moralev, V.M., McKerrow, W.S., Sturt, B.A., Roberts, D., 1996, Ordovician palaeogeography of Siberia and adjacent continents, Journal of the Geological Society, vol. 153 (Part 2), p. 329-330.
Divenere, V., Kent, D.V., and Dalziel, I.W.D., 1996, Summary of palaeomagnetic results from West Antarctica: Implications for the tectonic evolution of the Pacific margin of Gondwana during the Mesozoic, in B.C. Storey, E.C. King and R.A. Livermore (eds.), Weddell Sea Tectonics and Gondwana Break - Up, Geological Society Special Publication, 31-43, Geological Soc Publishing House, Unit 7, Brassmill Enterprise Centre, Brassmill Lane, Bath, Avon, England BA1 3JN.
Klepeis, K.A. and Lawver, L.A., 1996, Tectonics of the Antarctic-Scotia plate boundary near Elephant and Clarence islands, West Antarctica, Journal of Geophysical Research, vol. 101, no. B9, pp. 20,211-20,231.
Lawver, L.A., Sloan, B.J., Barker, D.H.N., Ghidella, M., Von Herzen, R.P., Keller, R.A., Klinkhammer, G.P., and Chin, C.S., 1996, Distributed, active extension in Bransfield Basin, Antarctic Peninsula: Evidence from multibeam bathymetry, GSA Today, vol. 6, no. 11, pp. 1-6, plus centerfold.
Lawver, L.A., Srivastava, S., Fujita, K., Stone, D., Embry, A., 1996, The tectonic development of the Canada Basin and surrounding basins, GSA Today, v. 6, no. 5, p. 17-18.
Mann, P., Coffin, M., Shipley, T., Cowley, S., Phinney, E., Teagan, A., Suyehiro, K., Takahashi, N., Araki, E., and Miura, S., 1996, Researchers investigate fate of oceanic plateaus at subduction zones, EOS, Transactions of the American Geophysical Union, v. 77, no. 30, p. 282-283.
Mueller, R.D., Roest, W.R., Royer, J.-Y., Gahagan, L.M., and Sclater, J.G., 1996, Age of the Ocean Floor, World Data Center-A for Marine Geology and Geophysics Report MGG-12, published by the National Geophysical Data Center, Boulder, CO. PDF

Coffin, M.F. and Gahagan, L.M., 1995, Ontong Java and Kerguelen Plateaux: Cretaceous Icelands?, Journal of the Geological Society, London, vol. 152, pp. 1047-1052.
Cunningham, W. D., I. W. D. Dalziel, T.-Y. Lee, and L. A. Lawver, 1995, Southernmost South America-Antarctic Peninsula relative plate motions since Gondwana break-up: Implications for the tectonic evolution of the Scotia Arc region: Journal of Geophysical Research, v. 100, p. 8257-8266.
Dalziel, I. W. D., 1995, Earth before Pangea, Scientific American, 272(1): 58-63.
Davies, T.A., Coffin, M.F., and Wise, Jr., S.W., 1995. Introduction to "Selected Topics relating to the Indian Ocean Basins and Margins," Sedimentary Geology, 96, 1-5.
DiVenere, V., Kent, D.V., and Dalziel, I.W.D., 1995, Early Cretaceous paleomagnetic results from Marie Byrd Land, West Antarctica: Implications for the Weddellia collage of crustal blocks, Journal of Geophysical Research, v. 100 (B5), 8133-8155.
Lawver, L. A. and Gahagan, L.M., 1994, Constraints on timing of extension in the Ross Sea region, Terra Antartica, vol. 1, no. 3, 545-552.
Lawver, L.A., Keller, R.A., Fisk, M.R., and Strelin, J., 1995, Bransfield Strait, Antarctic Peninsula: Active Extension Behind a Dead Arc, in: B. Taylor (ed.), Back Arc Basins: Tectonics and Magmatism, Plenum Press, New York, pp. 315-342.
Lee, T.-Y., and Lawver, L.A., 1995, Cenozoic plate reconstruction of Southeast Asia, in T.W.C. Hilde and M.F.J. Flower (eds.), Southeast Asia Structure and Tectonics, Tectonophysics Special Issue, vol. 251, pp. 85-138, Elsevier, Amsterdam.
Storey, M., Mahoney, J.J., Saunders. A.D., Duncan, R.A., Kelley, S.P., and Coffin, M.F., 1995, Timing of hot spot-related volcanism and the breakup of Madagascar and India, Science, 267: 852-855.
Coffin, M.F. and Eldholm, O., 1994, Large Igneous Provinces: crustal structure, dimensions, and external consequences, Reviews of Geophysics, vol. 32 (1), pp. 1-36.
Dalziel, I.W.D., 1994, Precambrian Scotland as a Laurentia-Gondwana Link - Origin and Significance of Cratonic Promontories, Geology, 22: 589-592.
Dalziel, I.W.D., Dalla Salda, L.H., and Gahagan, L.M., 1994, Paleozoic Laurentia-Gondwana interaction and the origin of the Appalachian Andean mountain system, Geological Society of American Bulletin, vol. 106, pp. 243-252.
DiVenere, V.J., Kent, D.V., and Dalziel, I.W.D., 1994, Mid-Cretaceous paleomagnetic results from Marie Byrd land, West Antarctica: A test of post-100 Ma relative motion between East and West Antarctica, Journal of Geophysical Research, 99 (B8): 15,115-15,139.
Keller, R.A., Strelin, J.A., Lawver, L.A., and Fisk, M.R., 1994, Dredging young volcanic rocks in Bransfield Strait, Antarctic Journal - 1993 Review, vol. XXVIII, no. 5, 98-100.
Klepeis, K.A., and Lawver, L.A., 1994. Bathymetry of the Bransfield Strait, southeastern Shackleton Fracture Zone, and South Shetland Trench, Antarctica, Antarctic Journal - 1993 Review, vol. XXVIII, no. 5, 103-104.
Lawver, L. A. and Gahagan, L.M., 1994, Constraints on timing of extension in the Ross Sea region, Terra Antartica, vol. 1, no. 3, 545-552.
Lawver, L. A., 1994. RVIB N.B. Palmer NBP93-1 survey of the Antarctic Peninsula and Powell Basin, Antarctic Journal - 1993 Review, vol. XXVIII, no. 5, 105-106.
Lawver, L.A. and Mueller, R.D., 1994, Iceland hotspot track, Geology, vol. 22, pp. 311-314.
Lawver, L.A., Gahagan, L.M., and Cooper, A.K., 1994, Comparison of Eastern Ross Sea with Campbell Basin, Eastern Antarctic Peninsula, Terra Antartica (Special Issue: The Antarctic Continental Margin: Geophysical and Geological Stratigraphic Records of Cenozoic Glaciation, Paleoenvironments and Sea-level Change), 1(2): 375-377.
Lawver, L.A., Williams, T., and Sloan, B., 1994, Seismic stratigraphy and heat flow of Powell Basin, Eastern Antarctic Peninsula, Terra Antartica (Special Issue: The Antarctic Continental Margin: Geophysical and Geological Stratigraphic Records of Cenozoic Glaciation, Paleoenvironments and Sea-level Change), 1(2): 309-310.
Lee, T.-Y. and Lawver, L.A., 1994, Cenozoic plate reconstruction of the South China Sea region, Tectonophysics, 235: 149-180.
PGS Nopec AS, 1994, Southeast Asia Sedimentary Basins, transverse Mercator map, scale 1:5,000,000.
Sloan, B. J., and Lawver, L.A., 1994. NBP93-1 Cruise to the Larsen Shelf region of the Antarctic Peninsula, Antarctic Journal - 1993 Review, vol. XXVIII, no. 5, 107-108.
Sloan, B.J., Anderson, J.B., and Lawver, L.A., 1994, Seismic stratigraphy of the Larsen Basin, Eastern Antarctic Peninsula, Terra Antartica (Special Issue: The Antarctic Continental Margin: Geophysical and Geological Stratigraphic Records of Cenozoic Glaciation, Paleoenvironments and Sea-level Change), 1(2): 281-282.

Coffin, M.F. and Eldholm, O., 1993, Exploring large subsea igneous provinces, Oceanus, 36: 75- 78.
Coffin, M.F. and Eldholm, O., 1993, Large igneous provinces, Scientific American, vol. 269, no. 4, pp. 42-49.
Coffin, M.F. and Eldholm, O., 1993, Scratching the surface: Estimating dimensions of large igneous provinces, Geology, vol. 21, pp. 515-518.
Colwell, J.B., Coffin, M.F., and Spencer, R.A., 1993, Structure of the southern New South Wales continental margin, southeastern Australia, BMR Journal of Australian Geology & Geophysics, vol. 13, pp. 333-343.
Lawver, L.A., and Gahagan, L.M., 1993, Subduction zones, magmatism, and the break-up of Pangea, in D. Stone and S.K. Runcorn (eds.), Flow and creep in the solar system, NATO meeting/NATO ASI series, vol. 139, pp. 225-247, Kluwer Academic.
Lawver, L.A., Dalziel, I.W.D., and Sandwell, D.T., 1993, Antarctic plate: tectonics from a gravity anomaly and infrared satellite image, GSA Today, vol. 3, no. 5, pp. 117-119, 122.
Lumadyo, E., McCabe, R., Harder, S., and Lee, T., 1993, Borneo: a stable portion of the Eurasian margin since the Eocene, Journal of Southeast Asian Earth Sciences, 8: 225-231.
Mueller, R.D., Roest, W.R., Royer, J.-Y., Gahagan, L.M., and Sclater, J.G., 1993, A digital age map of the ocean floor, Scripps Institution of Oceanography Reference Series No. 93-30, pp. 15.
Mueller, R.D., Royer, J.-Y., and Lawver, L.A., 1993, Revised plate motions relative to the hotspots from combined Atlantic and Indian Ocean hotspot tracks, Geology, vol. 21, pp. 275-278.
Munschy, M., Rotstein, Y., Schlich, R., and M.F. Coffin, 1993, Structure and tectonic setting of the 77¡E and 75¡E grabens, Kerguelen Plateau, south Indian Ocean, Journal of Geophysical Research, vol. 98(B4), pp. 6367-6382.

Coffin, M.F. and Eldholm, O., 1992, Volcanism and continental break-up: a global compilation of large igneous provinces, in Magmatism and the causes of continental break-up, B.C. Storey, T. Alabaster, and R.J. Pankhurst (editors), Geological Society Special Publication No. 68, pp. 17-30.
Coffin, M.F. and Rabinowitz, P.D., 1992, The Mesozoic East African and Madagascan conjugate continental margins, in Geology and Geophysics of Continental Margins, edited by J.S. Watkins, F. Zhiqiang, and K.J. McMillen, American Association of Petroleum Geologists Memoir 53, pp. 207-246.
Coffin, M.F., 1992, Emplacement and subsidence of Indian Ocean plateaus and submarine ridges, in Synthesis of results from scientific drilling in the Indian Ocean, Geophysical Monograph 70, American Geophysical Union, pp. 115-125.
Coffin, M.F., 1992, Subsidence of the Kerguelen Plateau: the Atlantis concept, in Wise, S.W., Jr., Schlich, R., et al., 1992, Proceedings of the Ocean Drilling Program, Scientific Results, v. 120, pp. 945 - 949.
Coffin, M.F., 1992, The East African and Madagascan margins: stratigraphy, structure and tectonics, in First Indian Ocean petroleum seminar, Proceedings of the Indian Ocean - First regional seminar on Petroleum Exploration, Seychelles, December 10-15, 1990, P.S. Plummer (editor), United Nations Department of Technical Co-operation for Development, pp. 325 - 343.
Dalla Salda, L.H., Dalziel, I.W.D., Cingolani, C.A., and Varela, R., 1992, Did the Taconic Appalachians continue into southern South America?, Geology, vol. 20, pp. 1059-1062.
Dalziel, I.W.D. and Grunow, A.M., 1992, Late Gondwanide tectonic rotations within gondwanaland, Tectonics, v. 11(3), pp. 603-606.
Dalziel, I.W.D., 1992, Antarctica: A tale of two supercontents?, Annual Reviews of Earth and Planetary Science, v. 20, pp. 501-526.
Dalziel, I.W.D., 1992, On the organization of American plates in the Neoproterozoic and the breakout of Laurentia, GSA Today, volume 2, no. 11, p. 237, 240 - 241.
Francis, J.E. and Coffin, M.F., 1992, Cretaceous fossil wood from the Raggatt Basin, southern Kerguelen Plateau (Site 750), in Wise, S.W., Jr., Schlich, R., et al., 1992, Proceedings of the Ocean Drilling Program, Scientific Results, v. 120, pp. 273 - 280.
Lawver, L.A., Coffin, M.F., and Gahagan, L.M., 1992, The Mesozoic break-up of Gondwana, in First Indian Ocean petroleum seminar, Proceedings of the Indian Ocean - First regional seminar on Petroleum Exploration, Seychelles, December 10-15, 1990, P.S. Plummer (editor), United Nations Department of Technical Co-operation for Development, pp. 345 - 356.
Lawver, L.A., Gahagan, L.M., and Coffin, M.F., 1992, The development of paleoseaways around Antarctica, in J.P. Kennett and D.A. Warnke (editors), The Antarctic Paleoenvironment: A Perspective on Global Change, AGU Antarctic Research Series, vol. 56, pp. 7-30.
Lee, T.-Y. and Lawver, L.A., 1992, Tectonic evolution of the South China Sea region, Journal of the Geological Society of China, vol. 35, no. 4, pp. 353-388.
Munschy, M., Dyment, J., Boulanger, M.O., Boulanger, D., Tissot, J.D., Schlich, R., Rotstein, Y., and Coffin, M.F., 1992, Breakup and seafloor spreading between the Kerguelen Plateau-Labuan Basin and the Broken Ridge-Diamantina Zone, in Wise, S.W., Jr., Schlich, R., et al., 1992, Proceedings of the Ocean Drilling Program, Scientific Results, v. 120, pp. 931 - 944.
Royer, J.-Y., and Coffin, M.F., 1992, Jurassic to Eocene plate tectonic reconstructions in the Kerguelen Plateau region, in Wise, S.W., Jr., Schlich, R., et al., 1992, Proceedings of the Ocean Drilling Program, Scientific Results, v. 120, pp. 917 - 928.
Watkins, D.K., Quilty, P.G., Mohr, B.A.R., Mao, S., Francis, J.E., Gee, C.T., and Coffin, M.F., 1992, Paleontology of the Cretaceous of the central Kerguelen Plateau, in Wise, S.W., Jr., Schlich, R., et al., 1992, Proceedings of the Ocean Drilling Program, Scientific Results, v. 120, pp. 951 - 960.

Coffin, M.F. and Eldholm, O., editors, 1991, Large Igneous Provinces: JOI/USSAC Workshop Report. (A workshop to develop scientific drilling initiatives on volcanic margins and oceanic plateaus, convened by M.F. Coffin, November 1990.) The University of Texas at Austin Institute for Geophysics Technical Report No. 114.
Dalziel, I.W.D., 1991, Pacific margins of Laurentia and East Antarctica-Australia as a conjugate rift pair: evidence and implications for an Eocambrian supercontinent, Geology, v. 19, pp. 598-601.
Grunow, A., Kent, D.V., and Dalziel, I.W.D., 1991, New paleomagnetic data from Thurston Island: implications for the tectonics of West Antarctica and Weddell Sea opening, Journal of Geophysical Research, v. 96(B11), pp. 17,935-17,954.