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Gridded Data Format:
These data files consist of three columns: longitude, latitude and value. Elevations are in meters referenced to WGS-84. Ice thickness is in meters.

Web page gridded images: The values listed above form a filled orthogonal grid at 850 meter resolution (for gravity and magnetic field intensity, 425 for ice thickness and surface elevation. Grids are smoothed using a Gaussian filter (2.125 km for surface elevation and 4.5 km for gravity, magnetic field intensity, ice thickness) and surfaced using a bicubic spline method.

In keeping with NSF Grant Policy, any publication using these data (including web documents) must contain the following acknowledgment: "This material is based on work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant: OPP-9319379." Also, any oral presentation utilizing these materials should acknowledge the support of the National Science Foundation. In addition, we request that any oral presentation, web page or publication also acknowledge SOAR and the University of Texas. Suitable citation for WMB data is:

Luyendyk, Bruce P., Douglas S. Wilson, and Christine S. Siddoway, The Eastern Margin of the Ross Sea Rift in Western Marie Byrd Land, Antarctica: Crustal Structure and Tectonic Development G3, Vol. 4, no. 10, p 1090, 2003.