Untitled Document
Summary of Field Work Proposed RTZ7 & RTZ8
(1997-98) (1998-99)
Project Information Package

Principal Investigator:
Robert Bindschadler
NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
Oceans and Ice Branch/Code 971
Greenbelt, MD 20771

Project Objectives:
1. Ross ice streams B,D, and E currently surging?
Detect thinning at head of ice stream D; SOAR fly line connecting super-pole sites -- laser altimetry -- provide longitudinal profile of elevation change
2. What is the buttressing effect of an enlarging Crary Ice Rise on the flow of  Ice Stream B?
Laser altimetry to determine ice elevations. Gravity and magnetic data collected to determine distribution of subglacial volcanoes and effect of heat flow associated with volcanism on the ice sheet.          Determination of how spatial distribution of volcanics related to ice streams and movement. Determine the presence or absence of a sedimentary basin

Summary from SOAR proposal response:

SOAR will be utilized three field seasons. 3740 line-km of laser, radar, gravity, and magnetics data acquisition will be flown the first season. The overall survey area is about 400 km x 150 km (220 nm x 80 nm).

A single laser altimetry line over three super-pole sites near Byrd Surface Camp at the head of ice stream D will be flown in the first year and will be continued for two subsequent seasons.

Twenty-three days of utility Twin Otter support are required the first year for measurement of thirty-five surface GPS sites on the ice plain, and for establishing three super pole sites.


Flight Information:

A. WAG  flight targets: Transects between defined waypoints (not on a grid).

B. Coordinate System:

Coordinate System Lambert Conic Conformal
Grid Origin Lat, Long (deg) -85, -180
Grid Origin Shift X,Y, (m) 0.0, 222600
Grid Rotation (deg) 0
Standard Parallels (deg) -81.5, -83.5
Semi-major, semi-minor axes (m) 6378137.0, 6356752.3141


C. Elevations: Survey elevations will be flown at 350m above the highest elevation for each block:

    IPB/GSIRE:    530m = 1740'

   IPB/SCP:    530m = 1740

    IPB/RIGGS:    580m = 1800'

   IPB/OLL::    460m = 1500'

   WAG/TKD:    1330m = 4365'


D. Radar Resolutions: Radar resoultions will be 20 ns everywhere, 2048 stacks, with 40 microsecond records.


E. Radar Blanking: Radar blanking will occur under all circumstances when magnetic data is collected.


F. Radar Altimeter: The radar altimeter will not be used during these flights.


G. Extended Run-ins and Run-outs: 15.9 km run-ins and run-outs with explicit waypoints for  transects greater than 60 km. Run-ins and run-outs of 5.3 km with explicit waypoints for shorter transects..


H. Communication of Flight Plans: Designated Point of Contact between pilots and SOAR (either JLW or SLM).


I. Flight Sequencing: Schduled as weather permits.


J. Flight Times: Flight windows have been established consistent with low magnetic noise periods. Flight windows at 1:30am, 7:30am, and 1:30pm (local time). Windows are approximately 5 hours long.


K. Flight Planning Documents: Flight planning documents will be prepared by JLW or SLM and distributed to flight and ground crews prior to each filght. Copies of all flight plans are saved as part of SOAR flight logs.


L. Reflight Criteria: There will be 28 flights with reflights occurring in sequence until the project is completed. If good quality data is collected in less than the designated number of flights, SOAR will move on to the next project.


M. Weather Contingencies: Given bad weather, a single jump of 1000' can be made during a transect to avoid icing. If clouds interfere with collection of laser data (where laser data is essential), the flight will be aborted. Flights within a set where laser is essential will be given first priority, secondary priority will be given those where laser acquisition is possible. When too many clouds, but still able to fly, plans will include those areas where the survey is laser insensitive.


N. Leap Second: n/a


O. FOP/EDS interface


P. Gravity Ties: Gravity data will be collected at Down B and South Pole, then back to Down B during the South Pole site visit. Gravity data will also be collected at Siple Dome, Down B, and back at Siple Dome in a single day, if possible.


Q. Base Station Issues: Siple Dome will be the base of operations. Down B. will serve as a secondart base station.


R. QC Review: Data will be broken out immediately after a flight. Each flight line will be given an initial review and rated for overall data quality by JLW or SLM. Determination if reflights are required will be made at that time. Science observers in the field may have acces to Quality Control products.


S. GPS mask angle: 10°; if holes are introduced, decrease to 5º.


T. PST Names: Names will incorporate our abbreviation for this project (LIV), the geographical location, and transect numbers. Names will look like:

IPB (Ice Plane B) /






OLL (Optical Level Lines)

SCP (Siple Coast Project)









WAG / TKD / AB or BC




Principal Investigators:

Robert Bindshadler

NASA Goddard Space Flight Center

Oceans and Ice Branch/Code 971

Greenbelt, MD 20771



Project Objectives:

    1. Ross ice streams B,D, and E currently surging?

        Detect thinning at head of ice stream D; SOAR fly line connecting super-pole sites -- laser altimetry -- provide longitudinal profile of elevation change

    2. What is the buttressing effect of an enlarging Crary Ice Rise on the flow of  Ice Stream B?

        Laser altimetry to determine ice elevations. Gravity and magnetic data collected to determine distribution of subglacial volcanoes and effect of heat flow associated with volcanism on the ice sheet.          Determination of how spatial distribution of volcanics related to ice streams and movement. Determine the presence or absence of a sedimentary basin.


Summary from SOAR proposal response:

SOAR will be utilized three field seasons. 3740 line-km of laser, radar, gravity, and magnetics data acquisition will be flown the first season. The overall survey area is about 400 km x 150 km (220 nm x 80 nm).

A single laser altimetry line over three super-pole sites near Byrd Surface Camp at the head of ice stream D were supposed to be flown in the first year and again during two subsequent seasons.


Flight Information:

A. WAG  flight targets: Transects between defined waypoints (not on a grid).


B. Coordinate System:

Coordinate System Lambert Conic Conformal
Grid Origin Lat, Long (deg) -85, -180
Grid Origin Shift X,Y, (m) 0.0, 0*
Grid Rotation (deg) 0
Standard Parallels (deg) -81.5, -83.5
Semi-major, semi-minor axes (m) 6378137.0, 6356752.3141

* NOTE: No origin shift was input into the navigation system on the aircraft though an origin shift was included when coordinates originally calculated. Navigation should not have been affected because the coordinates were entered using lat/long values and the reference parallels and spheroid were not changed.

C. Elevations: Survey elevations will be flown at 350m above the highest elevation for each block:

   WAG/TKD:    1330m = 4400'


D. Radar Resolutions: Radar resoultions will be 20 ns everywhere, 2048 stacks, with 80 microsecond records.


E. Radar Blanking: No radar blanking necessary.


F. Radar Altimeter: The radar altimeter will  be used at pilot's discretion.


G. Extended Run-ins and Run-outs: 15.9 km run-ins and run-outs with explicit waypoints for  transects greater than 60 km. Run-ins and run-outs of 5.3 km with explicit waypoints for shorter transects..


H. Communication of Flight Plans: Designated Point of Contact between pilots and SOAR (either JWH or RRB).


I. Flight Sequencing: Scheduled during RTZ8 only of other projects completed.


J. Flight Times: Flight windows have been established consistent with low magnetic noise periods. Flight windows at 1230-1700 GMT, 1830-2300 GMT, 0100-0530. No fly period 0600-1200 GMT.


K. Flight Planning Documents: Flight planning documents will be prepared by JWH or RRB and distributed to flight and ground crews prior to each filght. Copies of all flight plans are saved as part of SOAR flight logs.


L. Reflight Criteria: In sequence as time and weather permits


M. Weather Contingencies: Given bad weather, a single jump of 1000' can be made during a transect to avoid icing. If clouds interfere with collection of laser data (where laser data is essential), the flight will be aborted. Flights within a set where laser is essential will be given first priority, secondary priority will be given those where laser acquisition is possible. When too many clouds, but still able to fly, plans will include those areas where the survey is laser insensitive.


N. Leap Second: There is a leap second January 1, 1999, during a no-fly window. Acquisition should not be affected.


O. Base Station Issues: Siple Dome will be the base of operations.


R. QC Review: Data will be broken out immediately after a flight. Each flight line will be given an initial review and rated for overall data quality by a member of the Experiment Design Group or other trained personnel.. Determination if reflights are required will be made at that time. Science observers in the field may have acces to Quality Control products.


S. GPS mask angle: 10°; if holes are introduced, decrease to 5º.


T. PST Names: Names will incorporate our abbreviation for this project (LIV), the geographical location, and transect numbers. Names will look like:

WAG / TKD / AB or BC