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MCS Webinars
Spring 2021 - Volcano Dynamics series
See the Volcano Workshop page
for more information on this series
Past Webinars
January 2021 - The Role of Computational Geoscience in the Predictive Assessment of Plate Boundary Systems and Hazards
Computational geoscience plays a fundamental role in understanding the multi-physics, multi-scale problems inherent in plate boundary systems. There are a range of challenges involved, from uncertainties about the fundamental governing relationships to the implementation of solution strategies on supercomputers. MCS-RCN, CIG, and CSDMS teamed up for this January 2021 webinar series, highlighting a group of outstanding speakers. They discussed two worked examples that illustrate some of the pathways of how high-performance computing can be used to make headway on challenging problems in solid Earth geoscience.
Series A - Day 1: James Dieterich & Kayla Kroll
Series A - Day 2: Josh White & Kayla Kroll
Series A - Day 3: Josh White, Kayla Kroll, & James Dieterich
Series B - Day 1: Nicole Gasparini & Greg Tucker
Series B - Day 2: Susanne Buiter
Series B - Day 3: Katy Barnhart
Fall 2020 - Volcanic Eruption Plumes Series
Sep 15, 2020: Joe Dufek & Antonio Costa
Sep 17, 2020: Costanza Bonadonna & Larry Mastin
Spring 2020 - Interdisciplinary Collaborations Series
Apr 7, 2020: Phaedra Upton & Greg Tucker
Mar 31, 2020: Erin Wirth & Alex Grant
Mar 4, 2020: Andy Freed & Greg Hirth
Jan 21, 2020: Lapo Boschi & Thorsten Becker
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