This page is mainly for internal use.
System Calls
New method of making system calls using the subprocess module (ORIGINAL POST WAS INCORRECT FOR CATCHING STDOUT/STDERR):
import subprocess proc = subprocess.Popen("PROGRAM " + args, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) # notice the space after the program output = proc.communicate() # catch output out = output[0] # isolate stdout err = output[1] # isolate stderr
Traps for Cleanup Code
#import signal, traceback # Called when sent SIGTERM, calls cleanup and exits def kill_cleanup(a,b): cleanup() sys.exit() # Term signal catching signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, kill_cleanup) signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, kill_cleanup) try: main() except: traceback.print_exception(*sys.exc_info()) cleanup() sys.exit()
Delete a directory recursively in python (helpful for cleanup)
# Delete a directory, recursively def delete_dir(dir): items = os.listdir(dir) for item in items: if item == '.' or item == '..': continue file = dir + os.sep + item if os.path.isdir(file): # if this file is actually a dir, delete the dir delete_dir(file) else: # it's just a file print "Deleting " + file os.remove(file) os.rmdir(dir)
Last modified 10 years ago
Last modified on 08/19/08 14:29:08