We apply for two initial funding cycles at $62k each (see appendix C). We think MYRES should be supported not as a general conference but as a combination of a long-term educational effort, meeting series, and a program that results in a tangible structure for the dissemination of scientific progress. With such funding, MYRES will aim to cover most costs for accommodation and travel expenses for all participants. We believe this is important so that conference attendance is not tied to the individual advisor's consent or attached to PI-rights. We will aim to reduce the on-site costs as much as possible, forgoing lavish accommodations so that we can achieve a broad attendance base that is not limited to privileged departments. All participants will, however, have to pay a token fee of $99 to avoid the possibly detrimental effects of an all-free event on the expectations of everybody involved. The $7,425 raised from the participants' contributions in this way will be used to pay for miscellaneous expenses (computer parts, last minute costs, supplemental travel support for European keynote lecturers, etc.), any surplus will be reinvested in the long term efforts of MYRES ( e.g. web site maintenance). The additional income from the token fees is not reflected in the detailed budget for MYRES, which is listed in appendix C. We should be able to achieve the goals of funding housing, food, and travel expenses for 75 participants at a rate of $710/person/meeting.