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year = 1989,
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title = {The nature of orogenic crust in the central {A}ndes},
author = {Beck, Susan L and Zandt, George},
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year = 2002
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volume = 24,
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year = 1996
author = {Becker, T. W.},
title = {Finite {E}lemente {M}odellierung zur
{B}ruchaktivierung in {S}cherzonen},
school = {Institut f{\"{u}}r {M}eteorologie und {G}eophysik
der J.W.Goethe-{U}niversit{\"{a}}t},
year = 1997,
address = {Frankfurt am Main}
author = {Becker, T. W.},
title = {Deterministic chaos in two state-variable friction
sliders and the effect of elastic interactions},
booktitle = {GeoComplexity and the Physics of Earthquakes},
pages = {5--26},
publisher = {American Geophysical Union},
year = 2000,
editor = {Rundle, J. B. and Turcotte, D. L. and Klein, W.},
volume = 120,
series = {Geophys. Mono.},
address = {Washington, DC}
author = {Becker, T. W. and Boschi, L.},
title = {A comparison of tomographic and geodynamic mantle
journal = {Geochem., Geophys., Geosys.},
volume = 3,
number = 1,
doi = {10.1029/2001GC000168},
year = 2002
author = {Becker, T. W. and O'Connell, R. J.},
title = {Predicting plate velocities with geodynamic models},
journal = {Geochem., Geophys., Geosys.},
volume = 2,
number = 12,
doi = {10.1029/2001GC000171},
year = 2001
author = {Becker, T. W. and O'Connell, R. J.},
title = {Lithospheric stresses caused by mantle convection:
The role of plate rheology},
booktitle = {Workshop on numerical modeling of mantle convection
and lithospheric dynamics},
year = 2001,
address = {Aussois, France}
author = {Becker, T. W. and O'Connell, R. J.},
title = {Lithospheric stresses caused by mantle convection:
The role of plate rheology (abstract)},
journal = {Eos Trans. AGU},
year = 2001,
volume = 82,
number = 47,
pages = {T12C-0921}
author = {Becker, T. W. and Kellogg, J. B. and Ekstr{\"{o}}m,
G. and O'Connell, R. J.},
title = {Global azimuthal anisotropy from {R}ayleigh waves
and circulation-derived finite strain (abstract)},
booktitle = {MIT/WHOI/New England Workshop on Anisotropy and
year = 2002,
address = {Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge MA}
author = {Becker, T. W.},
title = {Lithosphere--Mantle Interactions},
school = {Harvard University},
year = 2002,
address = {Cambridge MA}
author = {Becker, T. W.},
title = {Lithosphere--Mantle Interactions},
school = {Harvard University},
year = 2002,
note = {Available at
address = {Cambridge MA}
author = {Becker, T. W. and Schott, B.},
title = {On boundary-element models of elastic fault
interaction (abstract)},
journal = {Eos Trans. AGU},
year = 2002,
volume = 83,
number = 47,
pages = {NG62A-0925}
author = {Becker, T. W. and Kellogg, J. B. and
Ekstr{{\"{o}}}m, G. and O'Connell, R. J.},
title = {Comparison of azimuthal seismic anisotropy from
surface waves and finite-strain from global
mantle-circulation models},
journal = {Geophys. J. Int.},
year = 2003,
volume = 155,
pages = {696--714}
author = {Becker, T. W. and Blackman, D. K. and
Schulte-Pelkum, V.},
title = {Seismic anisotropy in the western {US} as a testbed
for advancing combined models of upper mantle
geodynamics and texturing (abstract)},
journal = {Eos Trans. AGU},
year = 2004,
volume = 85,
number = 47,
pages = {T33A-1338}
author = {Becker, T. W. and Hardebeck, J. L. and Anderson, G.},
title = {Constraints on fault slip rates of the southern
{C}alifornia plate boundary from {GPS} velocity and
stress inversions},
journal = {Geophys. J. Int.},
year = 2005,
volume = 160,
pages = {634--650}
author = {Becker, T. W.},
title = {On the effect of temperature and strain-rate
dependent viscosity on global mantle flow, net
rotation, and plate-driving forces},
journal = {Geophys. J. Int.},
year = 2006,
volume = 167,
pages = {943--957}
author = {Becker, T. W. and the {CIG Global Flow Code
Benchmark Group}},
title = {Global spectral flow code benchmark and development
institution = {University of Southern California},
year = 2006,
note = {
author = {Becker, T. W. and Ekstr{\"{o}}m, G. and Boschi,
L. and Woodhouse, J. W.},
title = {Length-scales, patterns, and origin of azimuthal
seismic anisotropy in the upper mantle as mapped by
{R}ayleigh waves},
journal = {Geophys. J. Int.},
volume = 171,
year = 2007,
pages = {451--462}
author = {Becker, T. W. and Chevrot, S. and Schulte-Pelkum,
V. and Blackman, D. K.},
title = {Statistical properties of seismic anisotropy
predicted by upper mantle geodynamic models},
journal = {J. Geophys. Res.: Sol. Earth},
volume = 111,
number = {B08309},
doi = {10.1029/2005JB004095},
year = 2006
author = {Becker, T. W. and Schulte-Pelkum, V. and Blackman,
D. K. and Kellogg, J. B. and O'Connell, R. J.},
title = {Mantle flow under the western {United States} from
shear wave splitting},
journal = {Earth Planet. Sci. Lett.},
volume = 247,
pages = {235--251},
year = 2006
author = {Becker, T. W.},
title = {Stress and strain in southern {C}alifornia},
note = {Invited presentation at the {\em Southern California
Earthquake Center} Annual Meeting},
year = 2006
author = {Becker, T. W. and Browaeys, J. T. and Jordan, T. H.},
title = {Stochastic Analysis of Shear Wave Splitting Length
journal = {Earth Planet. Sci. Lett.},
year = 2007,
volume = 259,
pages = {29--36}
author = {Becker, T. W.},
title = {Azimuthal seismic anisotropy constrains net rotation
of the lithosphere},
journal = {Geophys. Res. Lett.},
volume = 35,
number = {L05303},
doi = {10.1029/2007GL032928},
note = {correction: doi:10.1029/2008GL033946},
year = 2008
author = {Becker, T. W. and Ekstr{\"{o}}m, G. and Boschi, L. and
Woodhouse, J.},
title = {Length scales, patterns, and origin of azimuthal
seismic anisotropy in the upper mantle as mapped by
{R}ayleigh waves},
journal = {Geophys. J. Int.},
year = 2007,
volume = 171,
pages = {451--462}
author = {Becker, T. W. and Kustowski, B. and Ekstr{\"{o}}m,
title = {Radial seismic anisotropy as a constraint for upper
mantle rheology},
journal = {Earth Planet. Sci. Lett.},
year = 2008,
volume = 267,
pages = {213--237}
author = {Becker, T. W. and Conrad, C. P. and Buffett,
B. A. and M{\"{u}}ller, R. D.},
title = {Past and present seafloor age distributions and the
temporal evolution of plate tectonic heat transport},
journal = {Earth Planet. Sci. Lett.},
volume = 278,
pages = {233--242},
year = 2009
author = {Becker, T. W. and Steinberger, B. and O'Neill, C.},
title = {{HC} - {A global mantle circulation solver following
\cite{hager81} and \cite{steinberger00a}}},
howpublished = {\url{}},
year = 2009
author = {Becker, T. W. and Faccenna, C.},
title = {A review of the role of subduction dynamics for
regional and global plate motions},
booktitle = {Subduction Zone Geodynamics},
publisher = {Springer},
year = 2009,
address = {Berlin},
editor = {Funiciello, F. and Lallemand, S.},
series = {Frontiers in Earth Sciences},
pages = {3--34}
author = {Becker, T. W.},
title = {Fine-scale modeling of global plate tectonics},
journal = {Science},
year = 2010,
volume = 329,
pages = {1020--1021}
author = {Becker, T. W. and Miller, M. S.},
title = {Caribbean slab-craton interactions constrained by
shear wave splitting (abstract)},
journal = {Eos Trans. AGU},
year = 2010,
volume = 91,
number = 26,
pages = {T43A-06}
author = {Becker, T. W.},
title = {Seismic anisotropy},
booktitle = {Encyclopedia of Solid Earth Geophysics},
publisher = {Springer},
year = 2011,
editor = {Gupta, H. K.},
doi = {10.1007/978-90-481-8702-7}
author = {Becker, T. W. and Kawakatsu, H.},
title = {On the role of anisotropic viscosity for plate-scale
journal = {Geophys. Res. Lett.},
volume = 38,
number = {L17307},
doi = {10.1029/2011GL048584},
year = 2011
author = {Becker, T. W. and Faccenna, C.},
title = {Mantle conveyor beneath the {T}ethyan collisional
journal = {Earth Planet. Sci. Lett.},
year = 2011,
volume = 310,
pages = {453--461}
author = {Becker, T. W.},
title = {On recent seismic tomography for the western {United
journal = {Geochem., Geophys., Geosys.},
year = 2012,
volume = 13,
number = {Q01W10},
doi = {10.1029/2011GC003977}
author = {Becker, T. W. and Lebedev, S. and Long, M. D.},
title = {On the relationship between azimuthal anisotropy
from shear wave splitting and surface wave
journal = {J. Geophys. Res.: Sol. Earth},
year = 2012,
volume = 117,
number = {B01306},
doi = {10.1029/2011JB008705},
note = {Original and updated splitting data base at
author = {Becker, T. W. and Lebedev, S. and Long, M. D.},
title = {On the relationship between azimuthal anisotropy
from shear wave splitting and surface wave
journal = {J. Geophys. Res.: Sol. Earth},
year = 2012,
volume = 117,
number = {B01306},
doi = {10.1029/2011JB008705}
author = {Becker, T. W. and Faccenna, C. and Humphreys,
E. D. and Lowry, A. R. and Miller, M. S.},
title = {Static and dynamic support of western {U.S.}
journal = {Earth Planet. Sci. Lett.},
year = 2014,
volume = 402,
pages = {234--246}
author = {Becker, T. W. and Conrad, C. P. and Schaeffer,
A. J. and Lebedev, S.},
title = {Origin of azimuthal seismic anisotropy in oceanic
plates and mantle},
journal = {Earth Planet. Sci. Lett.},
year = 2014,
volume = 401,
pages = {236--250}
author = {Becker, T. W. and Lowry, A. R. and Faccenna, C. and
Schmandt, B. and Borsa, A. and Yu, C},
title = {{Western U.S. intermountain seismicity caused by
changes in upper mantle flow}},
journal = {Nature},
year = 2015,
volume = 524,
pages = {458--461}
author = {Becker, T. W. and Schaeffer, A. J. and Lebedev,
S. and Conrad, C. P.},
title = {Implications of a comprehensive, spreading-aligned
plate motion reference frame in light of seismic
anisotropy and global trench migration (abstract)},
journal = {Eos Trans. AGU},
year = 2015,
number = {DI13C-01}
author = {Becker, T. W. and Schaeffer, A. J. and Lebedev,
S. and Conrad, S. P.},
title = {Toward a generalized plate motion reference frame},
journal = {Geophys. Res. Lett.},
year = 2015,
volume = 42,
pages = {3188-3196}
author = {Becker, T. W.},
title = {Superweak asthenosphere in light of upper-mantle
seismic anisotropy},
journal = {Geochem., Geophys., Geosys.},
year = 2017,
volume = 18,
doi = {10.1002/2017GC006886},
pages = {1986--2003}
author = {Becker, T. W. and Wang, W.},
title = {Dissonance and harmony between global and
regional-scale seismic anisotropy and mantle
dynamics (abstract)},
journal = {Eos Trans. AGU},
year = 2017,
doi = {10.1002/2017GC006886},
note = {{AGU Fall Meeting, New Orleans}}
author = {Becker, T. W. and Hashima, A. and Freed, A. M. and
Sato., H.},
title = {{Stress change before and after the 2011 M9
Tohoku-oki earthquake}},
journal = {Earth Planet. Sci. Lett.},
year = 2018,
volume = 504,
pages = {174--184}
author = {Becker, T. W. and Lebedev, S.},
title = {Dynamics of the lithosphere and upper mantle in
light of seismic anisotropy},
booktitle = {Mantle Convection and Surface Expressions},
publisher = {American Geophysical Union},
year = 2020,
address = {Washington DC},
editor = {Marquardt, H. and Ballmer, M. and Cottaar, S. and
Konter, J.},
doi = {\url{10.1002/9781119528609.ch10}}
author = {Becker, T. W. and Fuchs, L.},
title = {{Input files and movie visualizations for convection
models discussed in Becker and Fuchs, ``Generation
of evolving plate boundaries and toroidal flow from
visco-plastic damage-rheology mantle convection and
continents'', manuscript revised for G-Cubed
journal = {Zenodo},
year = 2023,
doi = {10.5281/zenodo.10070094}
author = {Becker, T. W. and Fuchs, L.},
title = {Generation of evolving plate boundaries and toroidal
flow from visco-plastic damage-rheology mantle
convection and continents},
journal = {Geochem., Geophys., Geosys.},
volume = 24,
year = 2023,
doi = {10.1029/2023GC011179}
author = {Becker, T. W. and Faccenna, C.},
title = {Tectonic Geodynamics (lecture notes)},
publisher = {The University of Texas at Austin},
year = 2024,
note = {p. 764,
author = {Becker, T. W.},
title = {Visualizations},
year = 2024,
howpublished = {\url{}},
note = {web page with animations and illustrations}
author = {Becker, T. W. and Schmeling, H.},
title = {Finite-{E}lemente-{M}odellierung von
booktitle = {DGG Tagung 1996},
publisher = {Deutsche Geophysikalische Gesellschaft},
address = {Freiberg/Sachsen},
year = 1996
author = {Becker, T. W. and Schmeling, H.},
title = {Finite Element Modeling of Fault Zone Interactions},
booktitle = {EUG9 abstracts},
publisher = {European Union of Geosciences},
address = {Strassburg},
year = 1997
author = {Becker, T. W. and Schmeling, H.},
title = {{F}inite-{E}lemente-{M}odellierung von
booktitle = {DGG Tagung 1997},
publisher = {Deutsche Geophysikalische Gesellschaft},
address = {Potsdam},
year = 1997
author = {Dahm, T. and Becker, T. W.},
title = {The elastic and viscous properties of highly
fractured media},
booktitle = {EGS 1997 abstracts},
publisher = {European Geophysical Society},
address = {Wien},
year = 1997
author = {Becker, T. W. and Schmeling, H.},
title = {Earthquake recurrence time variations with and
without fault zone interactions},
journal = {Geophys. J. Int.},
year = 1998,
volume = 135,
pages = {165--176}
author = {Becker, T. W. and Faccenna, C. and O'Connell, R. J.},
title = {The development of slabs in the upper mantle:
insight from numerical and laboratory experiments
journal = {EOS, Trans. AGU},
volume = 79,
pages = {S349},
year = 1998
author = {Becker, T. W. and Faccenna, C. and O'Connell, R. J.},
title = {Mantle winds and back-arc spreading: the influence
of background flow on subdution in the upper mantle
journal = {Eos Trans. AGU},
volume = 79,
pages = {F849},
year = 1998
author = {Becker, T. W. and Panasyuk, S. V. and O'Connell,
R. J. and Faccenna, C.},
title = {The backward-bent {I}ndonesia slab},
journal = {Eos Trans. AGU},
year = 1999,
volume = 80,
pages = {S18}
author = {Becker, T. W. and Kellogg, J. B. and O'Connell,
R. J.},
title = {Thermal constraints on the survival of primitive
blobs in the lower mantle (abstract)},
journal = {Eos Trans. AGU},
year = 1998,
volume = 79,
pages = {F599}
author = {Becker, T. W. and Braun, A.},
title = {New program maps geoscientific data sets
journal = {Eos Trans. AGU},
year = 1998,
volume = 79,
pages = 505
author = {Becker, T. W. and Faccenna, C. and O'Connell,
R. J. and Giardini, D.},
title = {The development of slabs in the upper mantle:
insight from numerical and laboratory experiments},
journal = {J. Geophys. Res.: Sol. Earth},
volume = 104,
pages = {15207--15225},
year = 1999
author = {Becker, T. W. and Kellogg, J. B. and O'Connell,
R. J.},
title = {Thermal constraints on the survival of primitive
blobs in the lower mantle},
journal = {Earth Planet. Sci. Lett.},
year = 1999,
volume = 171,
pages = 351
author = {Becker, T. W.},
title = {On the spherical harmonic expansion of
discontinuities on the {E}arth's surface},
year = 1999,
note = {Final project for Harvard University course EPS202
``Inverse Theory'' by Prof.\ A.\ M.\
author = {Becker, T. W.},
title = {Finite Element Modeling of Fault Zone Interactions},
publisher = {Institut f{\"{u}}r {M}eteorologie und {G}eophysik
der J.W.Goethe-{U}niversit{\"{a}}t},
year = 1997,
series = {Diploma thesis},
address = {Frankfurt am Main},
note = {(In German)}
author = {Becker, T. W. and Kaus, B. J. P.},
title = {{Numerical Modeling of Earth Systems. An
Introduction to Computational Methods with Focus on
Solid Earth Applications of Continuum Mechanics}},
publisher = {University of Southern California},
year = 2015,
doi = {10.6084/m9.figshare.1555628},
edition = {1.2.2},
address = {Los Angeles},
note = {Updated Lecture Notes (2020, 222 pages),
title = {Re-estimated effects of deep episodic slip on the
occurrence and probability of great earthquakes in
author = {Beeler, Nicholas M and Roeloffs, Evelyn and
McCausland, Wendy},
journal = {Bull. Seismol. Soc. Am.},
volume = 104,
pages = {128--144},
year = 2014
author = {Beeler, N. M. and Tullis, T. E. and Weeks, J. D.},
title = {The roles of time and displacement in the evolution
effect in rock friction},
journal = {Geophys. Res. Lett.},
year = 1994,
volume = 21,
pages = {1987--1990}
author = {Beghein, C. and Trampert, J.},
title = {Probability density functions for radial anisotropy:
implications for the upper 1200~km of the mantle},
journal = {Earth Planet. Sci. Lett.},
year = 2003,
volume = 217,
pages = {151--162}
author = {Beghein, C. and Trampert, J.},
title = {Robust normal mode constraints on inner-core
anisotropy from model space search},
journal = {Science},
year = 2003,
volume = 299,
pages = {552--555}
author = {Beghein, C. and Trampert, J.},
title = {Probability density functions for radial anisotropy
from fundamental mode surface wave data and the
{N}eighbourhood algorithm},
journal = {Geophys. J. Int.},
volume = 157,
pages = {163--1174},
year = 2004
author = {Beghein, C. and Trampert, J.},
title = {Lateral variations in radial anisotropy and
consequences for the upper 1200km of the mantle},
journal = {Geophys. Res. Abstr.},
year = 2004,
volume = 6,
pages = 1348
title = {Probability density functions for radial anisotropy:
implications for the upper 1200 km of the mantle},
author = {Beghein, C. and Trampert, J.},
journal = {Earth Planet. Sci. Lett.},
volume = 217,
pages = {151--162},
year = 2004
author = {Beghein, C. and Trampert, J. and van Heijst, H. J.},
title = {Radial anisotropy in seismic reference models of the
journal = {J. Geophys. Res.: Sol. Earth},
year = 2006,
volume = 111,
doi = {10.1029/2005JB00372}
author = {Beghein, C. and Resovsky, J. and van der Hilst,
R. D.},
title = {The signal of mantle anisotropy in the coupling of
normal modes},
journal = {Geophys. J. Int.},
year = 2008,
volume = 175,
pages = {1209--1234}
author = {Beghein, C. and Yuan, K. and Schmerr, N. and Xing,
title = {Changes in seismic anisotropy shed light on the
nature of the {G}utenberg discontinuity},
journal = {Science},
year = 2014,
volume = 343,
pages = {1237--1240}
title = {{Crustal anisotropy in the Martian lowlands from
surface waves}},
author = {Beghein, Caroline and Li, Jiaqi and Weidner, E and
Maguire, R and Wookey, J and Leki{\'c}, Vedran and
Lognonn{\'e}, Philippe and Banerdt, W},
journal = {Geophys. Res. Lett.},
volume = 49,
pages = {e2022GL101508},
year = 2022
author = {Beghoul, N. and Barazangi, M.},
title = {Mapping high {P}n velocity beneath the {C}olorado
{P}lateau constrains uplift models},
journal = {J. Geophys. Res.: Sol. Earth},
year = 1989,
volume = 94,
pages = {7083--7104}
author = {Behn, M. D. and Lin, J. and Zuber, M. T.},
title = {A continuum mechanics model for normal faulting
using a strain-rate softening rheology:
{I}mplications for thermal and rheological controls
on continental and oceanic rifting},
journal = {Earth Planet. Sci. Lett.},
volume = 202,
pages = {725-740},
year = 2002
title = {Evidence for weak oceanic transform faults},
author = {Behn, Mark D and Lin, Jian and Zuber, Maria T},
journal = {Geophys. Res. Lett.},
volume = 29,
number = 24,
doi = {10.1029/2002GL015612},
year = 2002
author = {Behn, M. D. and Conrad, C. P. and Silver, P. G.},
title = {Detection of upper mantle flow associated with the
{A}frican {S}uperplume},
journal = {Earth Planet. Sci. Lett.},
year = 2004,
volume = 224,
pages = {259--274}
author = {Behn, M. D. and Hirth, G. and Kelemen, P.},
title = {Trench-Parallel Anisotropy Produced by Foundering of
Arc Lower Crust},
journal = {Science},
year = 2007,
volume = 317,
pages = {108--111}
author = {Behn, M. D. and Boettcher, M. S. and Hirth, G.},
title = {Thermal structure of oceanic transform faults},
journal = {Geology},
year = 2007,
volume = 35,
pages = {307--310}
title = {Magmatic and tectonic extension at mid-ocean ridges:
1. {C}ontrols on fault characteristics},
author = {Behn, Mark D and Ito, Garrett},
journal = {Geochem., Geophys., Geosys.},
volume = 9,
number = {Q08O10},
doi = {10.1029/2008GC001965},
year = 2008
author = {Behn, M. D. and Hirth, G. and Elsenbeck II, J. R.},
title = {Implications of grain size evolution on the seismic
structure of the oceanic upper mantle},
journal = {Earth Planet. Sci. Lett.},
year = 2009,
volume = 282,
pages = {178--189}
title = {Melting systematics in mid-ocean ridge basalts:
{A}pplication of a plagioclase-spinel melting model
to global variations in major element chemistry and
crustal thickness},
author = {Behn, Mark D and Grove, Timothy L},
journal = {J. Geophys. Res.: Sol. Earth},
volume = 120,
pages = {4863--4886},
year = 2015
title = {The transition from subsonic to supersonic cracks},
author = {Behn, Chris and Marder, M},
journal = {Phil. Trans. Royal Soc. A},
volume = 373,
number = 20140122,
year = 2015
author = {M. Behn and K. Barnhart and T. W. Becker and
J. Brown and E. Choi and C. Cooper and J. Dannberg
and N. Gasparini and R. Gassmoeller and L. Hwang and
B. Kaus and L. Kellogg and L. Lavier and
E. Mittelstaedt and L. N. Moresi and A. Pusok and
G. Tucker and P. Upton and P. Val },
title = {Whitepaper Reporting Outcomes from {NSF}-Sponsored
Workshop: {CTSP: C}oupling of Tectonic and Surface
Processes {April 25-27, 2018; Boulder CO}},
institution = {CSDMS},
year = 2018,
address = {Boulder CO},
note = {41 pp.,
author = {B{\v {e}}hounkov\'a, M. and {\v {C}}\'i{\v
{z}}kov\'a, H.},
title = {Long-wavelength character of subducted slabs in the
lower mantle},
journal = {Earth Planet. Sci. Lett.},
year = 2008,
volume = 275,
pages = {43--53}
author = {Behr, W. M. and Platt, J. P.},
title = {A naturally constrained stress profile through the
middle crust in an extensional terrane},
journal = {Earth Planet. Sci. Lett.},
year = 2011,
volume = 303,
pages = {181--192}
author = {Behr, W. M. and Platt, J. P.},
title = {{Kinematic and thermal evolution during two-stage
exhumation of a Mediterranean subduction complex}},
journal = {Earth Planet. Sci. Lett.},
year = 2012,
volume = 31,
number = {TC4025},
doi = {10.1029/2012TC003121}
author = {Behr, W. M. and Platt, J. P.},
title = {Brittle faults are weak, yet the ductile middle
crust is strong: {I}mplications for lithospheric
journal = {Geophys. Res. Lett.},
year = 2015,
volume = 41,
doi = {10.1002/2014GL061349},
pages = {8067-–8075}
author = {Behr, Whitney M. and Smith, Douglas},
title = {{Deformation in the mantle wedge associated with
Laramide flat-slab subduction}},
journal = {Geochem., Geophys., Geosys.},
volume = 17,
pages = {2643--2660},
doi = {10.1002/2016GC006361},
year = 2016
author = {Behr, W. M. and Becker, T. W.},
title = {Sediment control on subduction plate speeds},
journal = {Earth Planet. Sci. Lett.},
year = 2018,
volume = 502,
pages = {166--173}
title = {Dehydration-induced rheological heterogeneity and
the deep tremor source in warm subduction zones},
author = {Behr, Whitney M and Kotowski, Alissa J and Ashley,
Kyle T},
journal = {Geology},
volume = 46,
pages = {475--478},
year = 2018
author = {Behr, W. M. and B{\"{u}}rgmann, R.},
title = {{What's down there? The structures, materials and
environment of deep-seated slow slip and tremor}},
journal = {Phil. Trans. R. Soc. A},
year = 2021,
volume = 379,
doi = {10.1098/rsta.2020.0218}
title = {The effects of plate interface rheology on
subduction kinematics and dynamics},
author = {Behr, W. M. and Holt, A. F. and Becker, T. W. and
Faccenna, C.},
journal = {Geophys. J. Int.},
volume = 230,
pages = {796--812},
year = 2022
title = {Subduction-driven volatile recycling: {A} global
mass balance},
author = {Bekaert, DV and Turner, SJ and Broadley, MW and
Barnes, JD and Halld{\'o}rsson, SA and Labidi, J and
Wade, J and Walowski, KJ and Barry, PH},
journal = {Ann. Rev. Earth Planet. Sci.},
volume = 49,
pages = {37--70},
year = 2021
author = {Bellardinelli, M. E. and Cocco, M. and Coutant,
O. and Cotton, F.},
title = {Redistribution of dynamic stress during coseismic
ruptures: {E}vidence for fault interaction and
earthquake triggering},
journal = {J. Geophys. Res.: Sol. Earth},
year = 1999,
volume = 104,
pages = {14925--14945},
annote = {dynamic calculations, coulomb stress change}
title = {Methane throughout the atmosphere of the warm
exoplanet WASP-80b},
author = {Bell, Taylor J and Welbanks, Luis and Schlawin,
Everett and Line, Michael R and Fortney, Jonathan J
and Greene, Thomas P and Ohno, Kazumasa and
Parmentier, Vivien and Rauscher, Emily and Beatty,
Thomas G and Mukherjee, Sagnick and Wiser, Lindsey S
and Boyer, Martha L and Rieke, Marcia J and
Stansberry, John A},
journal = {Nature},
volume = 623,
pages = {709--712},
year = 2023
author = {Bellahsen, N. and Faccenna, C. and Funiciello,
R. and Daniel, J.M. and Jolivet, L.},
title = {{Why did Arabia separate from Africa? Insight from
3D laboratory experiments}},
journal = {Earth Planet. Sci. Lett.},
year = 2003,
volume = 216,
pages = {365--381}
author = {Bellahsen, N. and Faccenna, C. and Funiciello, F.},
title = {Dynamics of subduction and plate motion in
laboratory experiments: insights into the plate
tectonics behavior of the {E}arth},
journal = {J. Geophys. Res.: Sol. Earth},
volume = 110,
doi = {10.1029/2004JB002999},
year = 2005
author = {Bellier, O. and {\"{O}}ver, S. and Poisson, A. and
Anrieux, A.},
title = {Recent temporal change in the stress state and
modern stress field along the {N}orth {A}natolian
{F}ault {Z}one ({T}urkey)},
journal = {Geophys. J. Int.},
year = 1997,
volume = 131,
pages = {61--86}
title = {Observation of geo-neutrinos},
author = {Bellini, G and Benziger, J and Bonetti, S and
Avanzini, M Buizza and Caccianiga, B and Cadonati, L
and Calaprice, Frank and Carraro, C and Chavarria, A
and Dalnoki-Veress, F and others},
journal = {Phys. Lett. B},
volume = 687,
pages = {299--304},
year = 2010
title = {{On the predictability limit of convection models of
the Earth's mantle}},
author = {Bello, L{\'e}a and Coltice, Nicolas and Rolf, Tobias
and Tackley, Paul J},
journal = {Geochem., Geophys., Geosys.},
volume = 15,
pages = {2319--2328},
year = 2014
author = {L. Bello and N. Coltice and P. J. Tackley and
D. M{\"{u}}ller and J. Cannon},
title = {Assessing the role of slab rheology in coupled
plate-mantle convection models},
journal = {Earth Planet. Sci. Lett.},
year = 2015,
volume = 430,
pages = {191--201}
author = {Ben-Zion, Y. },
title = {A note on quantification of the earthquake source},
journal = {Seism. Res. Lett.},
year = 2001,
volume = 72,
pages = {151--152}
author = {Ben-Zion, Y. and L. Zhu},
title = {Potency-magnitude Scaling Relations for Southern
{California} Earthquakes with $1.0 < {M_L} < 7.0$},
journal = {Geophys. J. Int.},
year = 2002,
volume = 148,
pages = {F1--F5}
author = {Ben-Zion, Y. and V. Lyakhovsky},
title = {Accelerated Seismic Release and Related Aspects of
Seismicity Patterns on Earthquake Faults},
journal = {Pure Appl. Geophys.},
year = 2002,
volume = 159,
pages = {2385--2412}
author = {Ben-Zion, Y. and Sammis, C. G.},
title = {Characterization of fault zones},
journal = {Pure Appl. Geophys.},
year = 2003,
volume = 160,
pages = {677-715}
author = {Ben-Zion, Y.},
booktitle = {International Handbook of Earthquake and Engineering
title = {{K}ey Formulas in Earthquake Seismology},
pages = {1857--1875},
publisher = {Academic Press},
year = 2003
author = {Ben-Zion, Y. and Z. Peng and D. Okaya and L. Seeber
and J. G. Armbruster and N. Ozer and A. J. Michael
and S. Baris and M. Aktar},
title = {A shallow fault zone structure illuminated by
trapped waves in the {K}aradere-{D}{\"{u}}uzce
branch of the {N}orth {A}natolian Fault, western
journal = {Geophys. J. Int.},
year = 2003,
volume = 152,
pages = {699--717}
author = {Ben-Zion, Y. and Lyakhovsky, V.},
title = {Analysis of Aftershocks in a Lithospheric Model with
Seismogenic Zone Governed by Damage Rheology},
journal = {Geophys. J. Int.},
year = 2006,
volume = 165,
pages = {197--210}
author = {Ben-Zion, Y.},
title = {Collective Behavior of Earthquakes and Faults:
Continuum-Discrete Transitions, Progressive
Evolutionary Changes and Different Dynamic Regimes},
year = 2008,
journal = {Rev. Geophys.},
volume = 46,
number = {RG4006},
doi = {10.1029/2008RG000260}
author = {Ben-Zion, Y. and Rice and J. R. Dmowska, R.},
title = {Interaction of the {S}an {A}ndreas Fault Creeping
Segment with Adjacent Great Rupture Zones and
Earthquake Recurrence at {P}arkfield},
journal = {J. Geophys. Res.: Sol. Earth},
year = 1993,
volume = 98,
pages = {2135--2144},
annote = {coulomb stress, california}
author = {Ben-Zion, Y. and Rice, J. R.},
title = {{Earthquake Failure Sequences Along a Cellular Fault
Zone in a Three-Dimensional Elastic Solid Containing
Asperity and Nonasperity Region}},
journal = {J. Geophys. Res.: Sol. Earth},
year = 1993,
volume = 98,
pages = {14109--14131}
author = {Ben-Zion, Y. and J. R. Rice},
title = {Slip patterns and earthquake populations along
different classes of faults in elastic solids},
journal = {J. Geophys. Res.: Sol. Earth},
year = 1995,
volume = 100,
pages = {12959--12983}
author = {Ben-Zion, Y. and Rice, J. R.},
title = {Dynamic Simulations of Slip on a Smooth Fault in an
Elastic Solid},
journal = {J. Geophys. Res.: Sol. Earth},
year = 1997,
volume = 102,
pages = {17771--17784}
author = {Ben-Zion, Y. and K. Dahmen and V. Lyakhovsky and
D. Ertas and A. Agnon},
title = {Self-Driven Mode Switching of Earthquake Activity on
a Fault System},
journal = {Earth Planet. Sci. Lett.},
year = 1999,
volume = 172,
pages = {11--21}
author = {B{\'{e}}nard, H},
title = {Les tourbillons cellulaires dans une nappe liquid},
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year = 1900,
volume = 11,
pages = {1261--1271 and 1309--1328}
author = {B{\'{e}}nard, H},
title = {Les tourbillons cellulaires dans une nappe liquide
transportant de la chaleur par convection en
r{\'{e}}gime permanent},
journal = {Annales de Chimie et de Physique},
year = 1901,
volume = 23,
pages = {62--144}
author = {Bender, B.},
title = {Maximum likelihood estimation of b values for
magnitude grouped data},
journal = {Bull. Seismol. Soc. Am.},
year = 1983,
volume = 73,
pages = {831--851}
author = {Benettin, G. and Galgani, A. and Giorgilli, A. and
Strelcyn, J.-M.},
title = {Lyapunov characteristic exponents for smooth
dynamical systems and for {H}amiltonian systems: A
method for Computing all of them. Part 2:
{N}umerical application},
journal = {Meccanica},
year = 1980,
volume = 15,
pages = 21
title = {{Numerical models for continental break-up:
Implications for the South Atlantic}},
author = {Beniest, A and Koptev, A and Burov, Evgenii B.},
journal = {Earth Planet. Sci. Lett.},
volume = 461,
pages = {176--189},
year = 2017
title = {Seismic evidence for the fault origin of oceanic
author = {Benioff, Hugo},
journal = {Geol. Soc. Amer. Bull.},
volume = 60,
pages = {1837--1856},
year = 1949
title = {{Codependent histories of the San Andreas and San
Jacinto fault zones from inversion of fault
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