[global maps]
[SKS compilation]
[APM model]
[LPO model]
[lecture notes]
A collection of maps and visualizations, provided here for download,
in the hope that they may be useful. Clicking on images will typically
provide a higher resolution version, and clicking on headers will take
you to more detailed descriptions/additional plots.
2D plots are made with GMT, and
3D rendering done with
For information on how to make such maps and use GMT and iGMT, see
my computing and Earth science mapping
teaching material and the Unified
Geodynamics Earth Science Computing Environment (UGESCE). Also see my
GMT to VTK conversion tools.

A number of different Rayleigh number and parameter variation cases
can be found on the thermal convection
animations page.
Several animations of continental drift and seafloor spreading can be
found on the plate reconstruction
visualization section.
Global and regional lithospheric deformation styles from
moment tensors
(Click on thumbnails for larger PDF maps.)
Shallow Global CMT
solutions Kostrov summed and colored by the mean
horizontal strain (negative: compression, zero: strike-slip, positive:
extention). See legend for bin size and depth selection criteria.
Mantle convection cells visualized
Paraview visualization of tomographically imaged low velocity
piles (LLSVPs, red isosurface), shear wave anomalies at 1000 km
depth (translucent surface), and mantle flow for the present-day
(streaklines). Computed with HC.
Supplementary material from
- Holt, A. F., Royden, L. H., and Becker, T. W.: The dynamics of double slab subduction.
Geophys. J. Int., 209, 250-265, 2017. (PDF)
- reference, single slab case
- Outward
- Inward
- In sync (cf. Jagoutz et al., 2015)
Composite by David Evans (Yale), Bruce Eglington (U Saskatchewan),
and myself showing Auer et al.'s
(2014) tomography for the mantle, Bruce's geological unit
compilation for the continents, and Mueller et al.'s (2008)
seafloor-age model for the oceans.
EGM360 geoid anomaly corrected for the shape of an hydrostatic,
layered Earth
(Nakiboglu). Click here for an equatorial
movie of geoid anomalies, and
a polar path movie of geoid

As used in modified form in Becker
(2010), and
featured in Discover magazine online!

For details of these mantle circulation computations, see
Becker and Faccenna (2011).
Thermal (mantle) convection models
bottom heated |
internally heated |
Snapshots from 3-D, spherical, thermal convection (computed using
Citcom by Zhong et al., 2000). Plots show hot (red) and cold (blue)
temperature anomaly isosurfaces. Also see
our 2-D convection animations.

Topography and GPS data (Zhang et al., 2004, Gan et al., 2007, as used
in Becker and Faccenna, 2011, see there for complete references) in
Eurasia fixed reference frame.
See the global tectonic maps web page for different
projections and datasets.
Southern California time-lapse seismicity animation
Download a 150MB GIF animation of all earthquakes in the
et al. (2011) catalog.
Download a 50MB GIF animation of all earthquakes in the
et al. (2019) catalog.
The UNAVCO consortium ran the Plate Boundary Observatory
(PBO) component of the
Earthscope program. The map below
shows the most recent GPS solutions from PBO
for western North America, using the given stable North America
reference frame, and then correcting all solutions such that the
region from -107/-100/30/49 is stable (i.e. an approximate mid
U.S. reference frame).
For the most recent
plot, click here: [PNG] [PDF]. To track how stations come online
and solution quality improves, you might also want to check out the
[PBO GPS data movie], the [interpolated PBO GPS data
movie], or the [PBO GPS Plot
[global maps]
[SKS compilation]
[APM model]
[LPO model]
[lecture notes]
Updated: March 07, 2025.
(c) Thorsten Becker, 1997-2025.