Thorsten Becker

Jackson School of Geosciences
The University of Texas at Austin


[news] [research] [teaching] [team] [publications] [CV] [contact]
downloads: [software] [tomography] [visualizations] [global maps]
[SKS compilation] [APM model] [LPO model]
[lecture notes] [papers]

A collection of maps and visualizations, provided here for download, in the hope that they may be useful. Clicking on images will typically provide a higher resolution version, and clicking on headers will take you to more detailed descriptions/additional plots.

Most 2D plots are made with GMT, and 3D rendering done with Paraview. For information on how to make such maps and use GMT and iGMT, see my computing and Earth science mapping teaching material and the Unified Geodynamics Earth Science Computing Environment (UGESCE). Also see my GMT to VTK conversion tools.

[news] [research] [teaching] [team] [publications] [CV] [contact]
downloads: [software] [tomography] [visualizations] [global maps]
[SKS compilation] [APM model] [LPO model]
[lecture notes] [papers]

Updated: March 07, 2025. (c) Thorsten Becker, 1997-2025.