Thorsten Becker

Jackson School of Geosciences
The University of Texas at Austin

Unified Geodynamics Earth Science Computing Environment

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downloads: [software] [tomography] [visualizations] [global maps]
[SKS compilation] [APM model] [LPO model]
[lecture notes] [papers]

Please note that this package is by now outdated and will be redone as a Docker container.

A complete VirtualBox Linux installation for download of a solid Earth science computing environment since 2012. For the current development status, see the main software download page.

The curremt package contains

  • SEATREE, our graphical user interface, research and teaching environment that itself provides simple interfaces to
    • HC, our global, spherical mantle flow solver;
    • Larry2d and Larry3d, surface wave phase velocity and global body wave tomography software, respectively;
    • ConMan, a finite element thermal convection solver;
  • fstrack, our seismic anisotropy and tensor analysis package;
  • GPlates 1.4;
  • the iGMT graphical user interface to GMT, and GMT;
  • our shansyn spherical harmonic analysis/synthesis with GMT package as used by our tomography model format (also see shansyn on GitHub);
  • and a range of other Earth science software and datasets (see below).
This customized Linux virtual machine is intended to provide easy access to a range of freely available Earth science software and data to illustrate the capabilities of such open source tools, and assist in teaching map making and solid Earth research.

Download and installation

The free VirtualBox software (available for Windows, OS-X, and Linux) needs to be installed first. Then, donwload and install any of the UGESCE files below as described here. Those are large files, but might be your best bets to install the software independent of platform and operating system. Please send us feedback if you like to see different software or data included or hae problem in the use of UGESCE. For general VirtualBox questions, please see the web and the VirtualBox manual.

For more information on how to use some of the software included such as GMT and iGMT, see, for example, my computing and Earth science mapping teaching material, such as my Mapping and Modeling Earth Science Data short course, and the iGMT and SEATREE web site.

UGESCE v. 0.3 includes:

  • Software
    • Fedora 14 as the LINUX OS
    • SEATREE 2.0.1
    • HC 1.0.4
    • fstrack 0.4
    • GPlates 1.4
    • GMT 4.5.7, Netcdf
    • iGMT 1.2
    • Latex, python, ipython, numpy
    • g3data, octave, gnuplot
    • paraview 3.4
    • grads, GRASS
    • GNU C and Fortran compilers
    • All plotting scripts and tomography models used to make the plots in Becker's (2012) evaluation of western US seismic tomography
    • numerous other geophysics/geology type bash and awk scripts and small binaries
  • Datasets
    • ETOPO2
    • Mueller et al. (2008) seafloor age
    • Smith & Sandwell (1997) gravity and geoid
    • sediment thickness from Laske & Masters (1997)
    • GSHAP PGA hazard map (Giardini et al., 2000)
    • Western US tomography models
    • hotspots, volcanoes, city names, WSM data as of the iGMT distribution


Partial support provided through NSF-CAREER.

[news] [research] [teaching] [team] [publications] [CV] [contact]
downloads: [software] [tomography] [visualizations] [global maps]
[SKS compilation] [APM model] [LPO model]
[lecture notes] [papers]

Updated: March 24, 2025. (c) Thorsten Becker, 1997-2025.