Thorsten Becker

Jackson School of Geosciences
The University of Texas at Austin

Teaching: 557 Numerical Modeling of Earth Systems

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This class focuses on the numerical solution of problems arising in the quantitative modeling of Earth systems. The focus is on continuum mechanics problems as applied to geological processes in the solid Earth, but the numerical methods have broad applications including in geochemistry or climate modeling. We briefly review math and continuum mechanics fundamentals, then discuss ordinary differential equations (ODEs), and spend the majority of the class discussing finite difference (FD) and finite element (FE) solutions to partial differential equations (PDEs).

The class targets graduate students from the Earth sciences, and consists of lectures and joint and individual computer lab exercises. Grading is based on home work/programming project assignments, a final project, and class participation.

This class was last taught in 2016 but lecture notes and problem sets may be useful are are provided in individual chunks below

Prerequisites: None. Recommended: Intro Earth Science, Geodynamics.

Example syllabus for Spring 2016 at USC

Online material

Updated: March 25, 2025 (c) Thorsten Becker, 1997-2025.