[global maps]
[SKS compilation]
[APM model]
[LPO model]
[lecture notes]
All software is provided as is, without any warranties, and
copyrighted under the
GNU public
license. Software comes with various levels of documentation such
as an included README.
A set of Jupyter notebooks of Python ODE and PDE teaching modules
developed by Dunyu Liu and myself for UT GEO Lab
to Planet, an undergraduate class focused on lab and
computer experiments to develop an understanding of how simple
physical systems based on key constitutive laws can be used to
understand the Earth system.
- The Github repository includes
teaching modules for
driven harmonic oscillators, stick-slip friction, rate-state
friction, the Lorentz system, heat conduction, Stokes flow
(using an interface to FEniCX), as
well as surface transport problems (with an interface to
Status: Stable release available, minor
Package with tools to analyze symmetry components of elastic tensors,
predict synthetic waveforms and compute automated shear wave splitting
along ray paths, and to track finite strain and predict LPO from
mantle flow given on GMT/netcdf grds.
Includes Kaminski &
Ribe (2001) type LPO texture formation modeling and Browaeys and
Chevrot (2003) decomposition routines (as provided by DREX by
Kaminski), as well as single and multiple layer SKS
seismogram synthetics and splitting computation (codes from
Schulte-Pelkum and Blackman). A version of fstrack was used for Becker
al. (2006a,
Please keep in mind that this is a research product and so subject to
change; installation and usage is described in README files, but may
require some user intervention. However, fstrack
is also included fully compiled in UGESCE.
Also note that a lot of the software in this package is copyrighted by
other people, and you may wish to use the original codes
(e.g. DREX)
rather than our versions.
The main references for fstrack are:
Becker, T. W., Schulte-Pelkum, V., Blackman,
D. K., Kellogg, J. B., and O'Connell, R. J.: Mantle flow under the
western United States from shear wave splitting, Earth
Planet. Sci. Lett., 247, 235-251, 2006.
Becker, T. W., Kustowski, B., Ekström, G.: Radial seismic anisotropy
as a constraint for upper mantle rheology. Earth
Planet. Sci. Lett., 267, 213-237, 2008.
Status: Stable release available, minor
Global mantle circulation solver following Hager & O'Connell
(1981). This software is a modular, C-language rewrite of Bernhard
Steinberger's FORTRAN code and developed by Becker, Craig O'Neill, and
others. The code has been tested for computation of velocities,
tractions, and the geoid given incompressible, Newtonian flow in the
mantle for only radially varying viscosity.
The spherical harmonic format from Becker &
Boschi (2002) can be read by HC to compute velocities for
spherical harmonic models, and a graphical user interface to HC is
provided by
Availability and documentation:
- HC is one of the modules of
which also provides a graphical user interface, editing tools, and
example input data. I recommend to download HC with the
package, both also included fully compiled and installed
- Tar balls:
- HC code on GitHub.
- Standalone release and binaries are available from CIG, but I
suggest to use HC's github
Becker, T. W., O'Neill, C., and Steinberger, B. (2009): HC, a global
mantle circulation solver. Available online at
https://github.com/geodynamics/hc, accessed 03/2022.
Status: Stable release available, minor
My spherical harmonics analysis/synthesis
shana and shsyn which use GMT (versions
4.X.X. and 6+) respectively Netcdf
grd files for I/O, and interoperate with the seismic tomography
models from Becker & Boschi (2002). The most recent code is here:
The spherical harmonic format from
& Boschi (2002) can also be read by the tools provided
with the hc flow code and
as included in UGESCE. A number of
tomography models in this spherical harmonic format are on GitHub
Becker, T. W. and Boschi, L.: A comparison of tomographic and
geodynamic mantle models, Geochem., Geophys., Geosys.,
3(1), 1003, doi:10.1029/2001GC000168,
2002. (PDF)
Status: Research release available, minor
An MPI parallel, Okada (1992) dislocation solution based,
boundary-element program to compute displacements and stress given
slip, and solve for slip given stress conditions, as well as
simulate earthquake cycles based on fault interactions. The main
software is written in C and uses slighyly improved versions of the
Okada Fortran routines and calls on Petsc for parallel LU solves.
You can read more on seismology
projects page. The latest versions can be downloaded here
References/use cases:
- Becker, T. W. and Schott, B.: On boundary-element models of elastic fault
interaction (abstract). Eos
Trans. AGU, 83(47), Fall
Meet. Suppl., Abstract NG62A-0925, 2002. (PDF)
- Becker, T. W., Hardebeck, J. L., and Anderson, G.: Constraints on
fault slip rates of the southern California plate boundary from GPS
velocity and stress inversions.
Geophys. J. Int., 160, 634-650, 2005.
Status: Stable release available, accepting bug reports.
A VirtualBox Linux installation (i.e. a repacking of existing
software) that contains fstrack,
GMT, and a range of Earth
science software and datasets.
Status: Stable release available, accepting bug reports.
We are developing a python-based, modular, graphical and script driven
interface to solid Earth geodynamics and seismology modeling
tools. The goal is to provide easy access to research tools for
teaching, and to facilitate interdisciplinary research. SEATREE
includes an interface to the hc mantle flow tool and
seismic mantle tomography tools. See the
SEATREE project web
page for the current status, and for access to the source code,
see the
- Milner, K., Becker, T. W., Boschi, L., Sain, J., Schorlemmer, D. and
H. Waterhouse: The Solid Earth Research and Teaching Environment: a
new software framework to share research tools in the classroom and
across disciplines. Eos Trans. AGU, 90, 12, 2009.
Status: Stable release available, accepting bug reports.
A graphical user interface for the Generic Mapping Tools
(GMT) written in Tcl/Tk and
used around the world to teach GMT. Useful to learn and teach GMT, and
to generate simple example scripts for general Earth science map
You can read more on the iGMT project
page, and might also be interested in the
SEATREE project's
python GMT wrappers, and the Unified Geodynamics Earth
Science Computing Environment.
- Becker, T. W. and Braun, A.: New program maps geoscientific datasets interactively.
EOS Transactions AGU, 79 (42),
505-506, 1998.
Kostrov, Michael (1984), and Vavryčuk (2014) stress inversion from
focal mechanism tool
bin_catalog is a C language package with a set of simple earthquake
catalog and focal mechanism catalog handling routines, including
for creating Kostrov strain summations, Michael (1984) stress
inversions, and Vavryčuk (2014) optimized stress inversions.
- bin_catalog
source code on GitHub
- the code contains C language rewrites of software by
- Michael, A.J., 1984. Determination of stress from slip data: Faults
and folds, J. Geophys. Res. 89, 11.517-11.526.
- Michael, A.J., 1987. Use of focal mechanisms to determine stress: A
control study, J. Geophys. Res. 92, 357-368.
- Vavryčuk, V., 2014. Iterative joint inversion for stress and fault
orientations from focal mechanisms, Geophysical Journal International,
199, 69-77.
geographic data to VTK conversion tools
Grd2vtk is a script that converts a single, or several, layered, geographic
Netcdf (GMT) grd files into
VTK format as
used, e.g., by
Paraview. Grd2vtk_cart does so
for Cartesian (3-D) datasets.
See README for grd2vtk and
grd2vtk_cart for comments.
Also contains a range of AWK scripts to convert polygons,
earthquake hypocenters, and focal mechanisms/beach balls into VTK.
[global maps]
[SKS compilation]
[APM model]
[LPO model]
[lecture notes]
Updated: March 24, 2025.
(c) Thorsten Becker, 1997-2025.