ReadMe This file refers to XCT data collected at Ohio State University during the Summer of 2017 on non-pressurized core from UT-GOM2-01 Holes H002 and H005. Files included are both .tif and .avi. The .tif files are best viewed using the free, downloadable software from the National Institute of Health, Fiji: The .tif files are available in two orientations. One view, the slice orientation, is stored in the orientation that the data is collected in, along sedimentary layears. The second view, slab orientation, has been reformatted along the core so that it is viewd in a common core orientation where depth increases along the y-axis. Each orientation (and additional orientations) can be calculated with either dataset with the Fiji software. The data stored in the .tif files is in Houndsfield Units (HU). The .avi files may be viewed with video software.