Here is some additional information on the subroutines for PSE data decoding: *** Please note that these routines are written for unix computers, and thus for binary files in big-endian. For other computers, you may need to revise the program accordingly. Ntimex.f -- This program contains the following 7 subroutines for time conversion: subroutine time05(t0,t5) - converts t0 to t5 subroutine time53(t5,t3) - converts t5 to t3 subroutine time35(t3,t5) - converts t3 to t5 subroutine time50(t5,t0) - converts t5 to t0 subroutine time03(t0,t3) - converts t0 to t3 subroutine time30(t3,t0) - converts t3 to t0 where t0 is a 2 long-word integer array containing the 35-bit binary time of the year in ms in bits 1-31 of word 1 and bits 0-3 of word 2, t3 is a 3-word integer array with t3(1)=day, t3(2)=hour*100+minute, t3(3)=second*1000+msec, t5 is a 5-word integer array with t5(1)=day, t5(2)=hour, t5(3)=minute, t5(4)=second, t5(5)=msec. subroutine lpedit(in,lp,nfmt) - extracts long-period seismic data from a PSE record where in is an integer array of size 1620 long-words (6480 bytes) containing a physical record (90 logical records, or frames) of PSE data, lp is an integer array of dimension (360,3) where the decoded output is to be stored. lp(i,j), i=1,360, represent LPX, LPY, and LPZ data for j=1, 2, and 3, respectively. LPX and LPY are the two horizontal components and LPZ is the vertical component. nfmt is a logical constant and ='true' for the new format used for Apollo 12 data after 1971, and ='false' for all the other data. subroutine spedit(in,sp,ist) - extracts short-period seismic data (vertical component only) from a PSE record where in is an integer array of size 1620 long-words (6480 bytes) containing a physical record (90 logical records, or frames) of PSE data, sp is an integer array of dimension 2882 in which the decoded output is to be stored in sp(3) through sp(2882). Missing data (ALSEP words 2, 24(station 15 only), 46(except station 14) and 56) are interpolated to make the output evenly spaced in time. A cubic polynomial interpolation is used. sp(1) and sp(2) are reserved for use in interpolation. ist is an integer designating the Apollo station.