program Et2SacMH c Generate minimum-header SAC data files from PSE data on event tapes c ** 18-Jul-00 ** c f77 PseSacGenMH.f Ntimex.f lpedit.f spedit.f wsac1.f c limits: 720 records (10h:52m) for LP and 90 records (1h:21m) for SPZ c real data(259200) integer in(4864),lp(360,3),sp(2882),it(4) integer*2 exhdr(8) logical newfmt character cmp*3(4),ext*8,fname*16 equivalence (exhdr(1),in(1)) data cmp/'lpx','lpy','lpz','spz'/ c c open input PSE ET data file in Exabyte format 10 write(*,"('Open etdata.'$)") read(*,'(a)') ext if (ext(1:1).eq.' ') stop fname='etdata.'//ext open(1,file=fname,access='direct',form='unformatted',recl=19456) c name output file write(*,"('Output file psac.'$)") read(*,'(a)') ext i=2 do while (ext(i:i).ne.' ') i=i+1 end do ii=i-1 c specify data length and set sample interval 20 write(*,"('Record/block range: '$)") read(*,*) n1,nb1,n2,nb2 read(1,rec=n1) in nlb=(exhdr(6)+1)*3 nch=4-exhdr(6) npt=((n2-n1)*nlb+nb2-nb1+1)*360 if ( then write(*,"('Data too long')") go to 20 end if lbs=4860/nlb newfmt=exhdr(6).eq.1 ist=exhdr(2) it(1)=exhdr(5) call time03(in(5),it(2)) if ( then ih=it(2)*24+it(3)/100 call time03(in((nb1-1)*lbs+5),it(2)) if (it(2)*24+it(3)/ it(1)=it(1)+1 end if sec=it(4)/1000. write(*,"('Data start at',3i5,f7.3)") (it(i),i=1,3),sec delt=.1509375 c process data do kp=1,nch if (kp.eq.4) then npt=npt*8 if ( then npt=259200 n2=n1+30 nb2=nb1-1 if ( then nb2=nb2+3 n2=n2-1 end if end if delt=.01886719 end if j=1 do nr=n1,n2 read(1,rec=nr) in l1=1 l2=nlb if (nr.eq.n1) l1=nb1 if (nr.eq.n2) l2=nb2 do lr=l1,l2 ip=(lr-1)*lbs+5 if ( then call lpedit(in(ip),lp,newfmt) do i=1,360 data(j)=lp(i,kp) j=j+1 end do else call spedit(in(ip),sp,ist) if ( sp(3)=sp(4) do i=3,2882 data(j)=sp(i) j=j+1 end do end if end do end do c write a SAC data file fname='psac.'//ext(1:ii)//'.'//cmp(kp) call wsac1(fname,data,npt,0.,delt,nerr) write(*,*) npt,' written to '//fname end do close(1) go to 10 end