Thorsten W. Becker

Jackson School of Geosciences
The University of Texas at Austin

Mapping and Modeling Earth Science Data

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teaching: UT GEOL: [GP 354], [LP 315] [TG 371], other classes
[CIDER] [C] [UNIX/GMT] [SEATREE] [visuals]

Short course at Universita di Roma TRE, June 2012

This short course introduces UNIX and LINUX as a platform for Earth science mapping and data analysis and provides comments on programming and scientific computing. In particular, it can serve as an introduction to use of the USC Geodynamics Earth Science Computing Environment, which contains software such as SEATREE. The course material also includes an introduction to using the Generic Mapping Tools (GMT) and iGMT.


  1. Segment I: Introduction, UNIX: design, commands
  2. Segment I: UNIX: more commands, shell scripting
  3. Segment II: Introduction to GMT, Exercise I
  4. Segment II: GMT Exercise II, iGMT
  5. Segment II: GMT gridding
  6. Segment III: 1D data analysis, 2D and 3D Visualization
Additional slides: Example data, scripts and solutions:

[news] [research] [team] [publications] [CV] [downloads] [contact]
teaching: UT GEOL: [GP 354], [LP 315] [TG 371], other classes
[CIDER] [C] [UNIX/GMT] [SEATREE] [visuals]
Updated: March 01, 2025. (c) (c) Thorsten Becker, 1997-2025.