Spherical harmonics visualizations
Simple overview
Simple plot of a few spherical harmonics
(PDF or PNG).
3-D visualizations
Inspired by
McNamara's nifty movies, I couldn't help but use the new python
facility in Paraview and
make my own. Shown are a
real spherical harmonics with alm = 1, blm = 0,
warped with the scalar amplitude that is colored from red to blue. Gray translucent
sphere indicates the zero, spheroid shape.
Click on each image to bring up an animation.
Simple movie
Clicking on the image above will download a 2.5MB MPEG movie
that does nothing but show the pattern of all spherical harmonics up to
degree (l) and order (m) 31. If you have some sort of movieplayer that lets
you select individual frames, it can be useful in visualizing the
individual harmonics.
Updated: March 01, 2025
(c) Thorsten Becker, 1997-2025.