Peer-reviewed contributions |
165 |
Straume, E., Faccenna, C.,
Becker, T. W., Steinberger, B., Licht, A., Sembroni, A.,
Gvirtzman, Z., and Ballato, P.: Collision, mantle convection,
and Tethyan closure in the Eastern Mediterranean. Nature
Rev. Earth & Environ., 2025.
164 |
Hua, J., Grand, S. P., Becker, T. W.,
Janiszewski, H., Liu, C., Trugman, D., and Zhu, H: Seismic
imaging of active cratonic thinning beneath North America consistent
with slab-induced dripping. Nature Geosc., 2025.
163 |
Wolf, J., Becker, T.W., Garnero, E., Liu, K. H., and West, J. D.:
Comprehensive global dataset of uniformly processed shear-wave
splitting measurements. Geophys. J. Int.,
doi:10.1093/gji/ggaf076, 2025.
2024 |
162 |
Liu, C., Becker, T. W., Wu, M., Han, S., and Ritzwoller, M. H.:
Seismic azimuthal anisotropy within the Juan de Fuca - Gorda plate
Geophys. Res. Lett., doi:10.1029/2024GL111835, 2024.
161 |
Liu, D., Puel, S., Becker, T. W., and Moresi, L. N.: Analytical and numerical
models of viscous anisotropy: A toolset to constrain the role of
mechanical anisotropy for regional tectonics and fault loading.
Geophys. J. Int., 239, 950-963, 2024.
160 |
Sembroni, A., Faccenna, C., Becker, T. W., and Molin, P.:
The uplift of the East Africa - Arabia swell,
Earth-Sci. Rev., 257, 104901, 2024.
159 |
Conrad, E. M., Faccenna, F., Holt, A. F., and Becker, T. W.:
Tectonic reorganization of the Caribbean plate system
in the Paleogene driven by Farallon slab anchoring.
G-Cubed, 25,
doi:10.1029/2024GC011499, 2024.
158 |
Heilman, E. and Becker, T. W.: Plume-driven subduction termination
in 3-D mantle convection models. G-Cubed, 25,
doi:10.1029/2024GC011523, 2024.
157 |
Grima, A. G. and Becker, T. W.: The role of continental heterogeneity on the evolution
of continental plate margin topography at subduction zones. Earth
Planet. Sci. Lett., 642, 118856, 2024.
156 |
Puel, S., Becker, T.W., Villa, U., Ghattas, O., and Liu, D.:
Volcanic arc
rigidity variations illuminated by coseismic deformation of the 2011
Tohoku-oki M9, Science Adv., 10, doi:10.1126/sciadv.adl4264, 2024.
155 |
Straume, E. O., Steinberger, B., Becker, T. W., and Faccenna, C.:
Impact of mantle convection and dynamic topography on the
Cenozoic paleogeography of Central Eurasia and the West Siberian
Seaway. Earth Planet. Sci. Lett., 630, 118615, 2024.
2023 |
154 |
Becker, T. W. and Fuchs, L.: Generation of evolving plate
boundaries and toroidal flow from visco-plastic damage-rheology mantle
convection and continents. G-Cubed, 24, e2023GC011179,
doi:10.1029/2023GC011179, 2023.
153 |
Puel, S., Becker, T. W., Villa, U., Ghattas, O., and
Liu, D.: An adjoint-based optimization method for jointly inverting
heterogeneous material properties and fault slip from
earthquake surface deformation data. Geophys. J. Int.,
doi:10.1093/gji/ggad442, 2023.
152 |
Conrad, E. M., Reitano, R., Faccenna, C., Becker, T. W.:
Morpho-tectonics of transpressional
systems: insights from analog modeling. Tectonics, 23,
doi:10.1029/2023TC007865, 2023.
151 |
Clennett, E. J., Holt, A. F., Tetley, M. G., Becker, T. W., and
Faccenna, C.: Assessing plate reconstruction models using plate
driving force consistency tests. Sci. Rep., 19, 10191, 2023.
150 |
Lanari, R., Faccenna, C., Natali, C.,
Şengül Uluocak, E., Fellin, M. G., Becker, T.W., Göğüş, O.,
Youbi, N., Clementucci, R. and Conticelli, S.:
The Atlas of Morocco: A Plume-Assisted Orogeny. G-Cubed, 24,
doi:10.1029/2022GC010843, 2023.
149 |
Paul, J., Conrad, C. P., Becker, T. W., and Ghosh, A.: Convective
self-compression of cratons and the stabilization of old
lithosphere. Geophys. Res. Lett., 50,
doi:10.1029/2022GL101842, 2023.
148 |
Hua, J., Fischer, K., Becker, T.W., Gazel, E. and Hirth, G.:
Asthenospheric low-velocity zone consistent with globally prevalent
partial melting. Nature Geosc., 16, 175-181, 2023.
2022 |
147 |
Fuchs, L. and Becker, T. W.: On the role of rheological memory
for convection-driven plate reorganizations. Geophys. Res. Lett.,
49, e2022GL099574, 2022.
146 |
Heilman, E. and Becker, T. W.: Plume-slab interactions can shut off
subduction. Geophys. Res. Lett., 49, e2022GL099286, 2022.
145 |
Behr, W. M., Holt, A. F., Becker, T. W., and Faccenna, C.:
The effects of plate interface rheology on subduction kinematics and dynamics.
Geophys. J. Int., 230, 796-812, 2022.
144 |
Puel, S., Khattatov, E., Villa U., Liu, D., Ghattas, O. and
Becker, T. W.: A Mixed, unified forward/inverse framework for earthquake
problems: Fault implementation and coseismic slip
estimate. Geophys. J. Int., 230, 733-758, 2022.
2021 |
143 |
Gerya, T.V., Bercovici, D., and Becker, T.W.: Dynamic slab segmentation
due to brittle-ductile damage in the outer rise. Nature, 599,
245-250, 2021.
142 |
Schulte-Pelkum, V., Becker,
T. W., Behr, W. M., and Miller, M. S.:
Tectonic inheritance during plate boundary evolution in southern
California constrained from seismic anisotropy.
Geochem., Geophys., Geosys., 22, doi:10.1029/2021GC010099, 2021.
141 |
Brizzi, S., Becker, T.W., Faccenna, C., Behr, W.M., van Zelst, I., Dal
Zilio, L. and van Dinther, Y.: The role of sediment accretion and buoyancy on
subduction dynamics and geometry.
Geophys. Res. Lett., 48, doi:10.1029/2021GL096266, 2021.
140 |
Porritt, R., Becker, T.W., Boschi, L., and Auer, L.: Multi-scale, radially anisotropic
shear wave imaging of the mantle underneath the contiguous United
States through joint inversion of USArray and global
datasets. Geophys. J. Int., 265, 1730-1746, 2021.
139 |
Koppers, A., Becker, T.W., Jackson, M., Konrad, K., Müller,
R.D., Romanowicz, B., Steinberger, B. and Whittaker, J.:
Mantle plumes and their role in Earth processes.
Nature Rev. Earth & Environ., 2, 382-401, 2021.
138 |
Faccenna, C., Becker, T. W., Holt, A. F., and Brun,
J. P.: Mountain building, mantle convection, and
supercontinents: Holmes (1931) revisited. Earth
Planet. Sci. Lett., 564, Frontiers, 116905, 2021.
137 |
Jackson, M. G., Becker, T. W., and Steinberger, B.: Spatial characteristics of recycled and
primordial reservoirs in the deep mantle. Geochem., Geophys.,
Geosys., 22, doi:10.1029/2020GC009525, 2021.
136 |
Miller, M. S., Zhang, P., Dahlquist, M. P., West, A. J., Becker,
T. W., and Harris, C. W.: Inherited lithospheric structures
control arc-continent collisional heterogeneity. Geology, 49,
652-656, 2021.
2020 |
135 |
Fuchs, L. and Becker, T. W.: Deformation memory in the lithosphere:
A comparison of
damage-dependent weakening and grain-size sensitive rheologies
J. Geophys. Res., 126, doi:10.1029/2020JB020335, 2020.
134 |
Jackson, M. G., Blichert-Toft, J., Halldórsson, S. A.,
Mundl-Petermeier, A., Bizimis, M., Kurz, M. D., Price, A. A.,
Harðardóttir, S., Willhite, L. N., Breddam, K., Becker T. W., and
Fischer, R. A.: Ancient helium and tungsten isotopic signatures
preserved in mantle domains least modified by crustal
recycling. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci., 117, 30,993-31,001, 2020.
133 |
Lau, N., Borsa, A. A. and Becker, T. W.: Present-day crustal vertical
velocity field for the Contiguous United States. J. Geophys. Res.,
125, doi:10.1029/2020JB020066, 2020.
132 |
Faccenna, C. and Becker, T. W.:
Topographic expressions of mantle dynamics in the
Mediterranean. Earth-Sci. Rev., 209,
doi:10.1016/j.earscirev.2020.103327, 2020.
131 |
Schulte-Pelkum, V., Cain, J. S, Jones II, J. V., and Becker, T. W:
Imaging the tectonic grain of the Northern Cordillera orogen using
Transportable Array receiver functions.
Seismol. Res. Lett., 91, 3086-3105, 2020.
130 |
Pritchard, M. E., R. M., Allen, T. W. Becker, M. D. Behn,
E. E. Brodsky, R. Bürgmann, C. Ebinger, J. T. Freymueller,
M. Gerstenberger, B. Haines, Y. Kaneko, S. D. Jacobsen, N. Lindsey,
J. J. McGuire, M. Page, S. Ruiz, M. Tolstoy, L. Wallace, W. R. Walter,
W. Wilcock, and H. Vincent: New opportunities to study earthquake
precursors. Seismol. Res. Lett., 91, 2444-2447, 2020.
129 |
Becker, T. W. and Lebedev, S.:
Dynamics of the upper mantle in light of seismic anisotropy. In
Mantle Convection and Surface Expressions, Cottaar, S. et al.,
eds., AGU, Washington DC, doi:10.1002/9781119528609.ch10, 2020.
2019 |
128 |
Ichimura, T., Fujita, K., Yamaguchi, T., Naruse, A.,
Wells, J. C., Zimmer, C. J., Straatsma, T.P., Hori, T.,
Puel, S., Becker, T.W., and Hori, M.: 416-PFLOPS fast scalable
implicit solver on low-ordered unstructured finite elements
accelerated by 1.10-ExaFLOPS kernel with reformulated AI-like
algorithm: For equation-based earthquake modeling. In Research Poster
for SC19: International Conference for High Performance Computing,
Networking, Storage and Analysis, doi:10.5281/zenodo.3984156,
Denver CO, 2019.
127 |
Faccenna, C., Glisovic, P., Forte, A., Becker, T. W.,
Garzanti, E., Sembroni, A. and Gvirtzman, C.: Role of dynamic
topography in sustaining the Nile River over 30 million years.
Nature Geosc., 12, 1012-1017, 2019.
126 |
Bernard, R., Behr, W. M., Becker, T. W., and Young, D.:
Relationships between olivine CPO and deformation parameters in
naturally deformed rocks and implications for mantle seismic
anisotropy. Geochem., Geophys., Geosys., 20, 1-27, 2019.
125 |
Fuchs, L. and Becker, T. W.: Role of strain-dependent weakening memory
on the style of mantle convection and plate boundary stability.
Geophys. J. Int., 218, 601-618, 2019.
124 |
Lai, H., Garnero, E., Grand, S., Porritt, R. W., and Becker, T. W.:
Global travel time dataset from adaptive empirical wavelet
construction. Geochem., Geophys., Geosys., 20,
doi:10.1029/2018GC007905, 2019.
123 |
Wang, W. and Becker, T. W.: Upper mantle seismic anisotropy as a
constraint for mantle flow and continental dynamics of the North
American Plate.
Earth Planet. Sci. Lett., 514, 143-155, 2019.
122 |
Weller, M. B., Fuchs, L., Becker, T. W., and Soderlund, K. M.: Convection in
thin shells of icy satellites: Effects of latitudinal
surface temperature variations.
J. Geophys. Res. - Planets, 124, 2029-2053, 2019.
121 |
Siravo, G., Faccenna, C., Gerault, M., Becker, T. W., Fellin, M. G.,
Herman, F. and Molin, P.: Slab flattening and the rise of the Eastern
Cordillera, Colombia.
Earth Planet. Sci. Lett., 512, 100-110, 2019.
120 |
Sternai, P., Sue, C., Husson, L., Serpelloni, E., Becker, T. W.,
Willett, S., Faccenna, C., Di Giulio, A., Spada, G., Jolivet, L.,
Valla, P., Petit, C., Nocquet, J.-M., Walpersdorf, A., and
Castelltort, S.: Present-day uplift of the European Alps: evaluating
mechanisms and models of their relative contributions.
Earth-Sci. Rev., 190, 589-604, 2019.
2018 |
119 |
Becker, T. W., Hashima, A., Freed, A. M., and Sato, H.: Stress
change before and after the 2011 M9 Tohoku-oki earthquake.
Earth Planet Sci. Lett., 504, 174-184, 2018.
118 |
Behr, W. M. and Becker, T. W.:
Sediment control on subduction plate speeds.
Earth Planet Sci. Lett., 502, 166-173, 2018.
117 |
Jackson, M.G., Becker, T. W., and Konter, J. G.: Geochemistry and
distribution of recycled domains in the mantle inferred from Nd and Pb
isotopes in oceanic hotspots: implications for storage in the large
low shear wave velocity provinces (LLSVPs)
G-Cubed, 19, 3496–3519, 2018.
116 |
Jolivet, L., Faccenna, C., Becker, T. W., Tesauro, M., Sternai, P.,
and Bouihol, P.:
Mantle flow and deforming continents: From India-Asia convergence to
Pacific subduction. Tectonics, 37, 2887-2914, 2018.
115 |
Holt, A. H., Royden, L. H., Becker, T. W., and Faccenna, F.:
Slab interactions in 3-D subduction settings: The Philippine Sea
Plate region.
Earth Planet. Sci. Lett., 489, 72-83, 2018.
114 |
Jackson, M. G., Becker, T. W., and Konter, J. G.: Evidence for a deep
mantle source for EM and HIMU domains from integrated geochemical and
geophysical constraints.
Earth Planet. Sci. Lett., 484, 154-167, 2018.
113 |
Faccenna, C., Holt, A. F., Becker, T. W., Lallemand, S., and Royden,
L. H.: Dynamics of the Ryukyu/Izu-Bonin-Marianas double
subduction system. Tectonophys., 746, 229-238, 2018.
2017 |
112 |
Wagner, L., Jaramillo, J. S., Ramírez-Hoyos, L. F., Monsalve, G.,
Cardona, A. and Becker, T. W.: Transient slab flattening beneath
Colombia. Geophys. Res. Lett., 44, 6616-6623, 2017.
111 |
Goebel, T. H. W., Kwiatek, G., Becker, T. W., Brodsky, E. E. and
Dresen, G.: What allows seismic events to grow big?: Insights from
b-value and fault roughness analysis in laboratory
stick-slip experiments. Geology, 44, 815-818, 2017.
110 |
Becker, T. W.: Superweak asthenosphere in light of upper-mantle
seismic anisotropy, Geochem., Geophys., Geosys., 18, 1986-2003, 2017.
109 |
Sembroni, A., Kiraly, A., Faccenna, C., Funiciello, F., Becker,
T. W., Globig, J., and Fernandez, M.: Impact of the lithosphere on
dynamic topography: Insights from analogue modeling.
Geophys. Res. Lett., 44, 2693-2702, 2017.
108 |
Jackson, M. G., Konter, J. G., and
Becker, T. W.: Primordial helium entrained by the hottest
mantle plumes. Nature, 542, 340-343, 2017.
107 |
Holt, A. F., Royden, L. H., and Becker, T. W.: The dynamics of
double slab subduction.
Geophys. J. Int., 209, 250-265, 2017.
supp. mov. |
106 |
Faccenna, C., Oncken, O., Holt, A. F., and Becker, T. W.: Initiation
of the Andean orogeny by lower mantle subduction.
Earth Planet. Sci. Lett., 463, 189-201, 2017.
105 |
Holt, A. F. and Becker, T. W.: The effect of a power-law mantle
viscosity on trench retreat rate.
Geophys. J. Int., 208, 491-507, 2017.
104 |
Freed, A. M., Hashima, A., Becker, T. W., Okaya, D. A., Sato, H., and
Hatanaka. Y.: Resolving depth-dependent subduction zone viscosity and
afterslip from postseismic displacements following the 2011
Tohoku-oki, Japan earthquake. Earth Planet. Sci. Lett.,
459, 279-290, 2017.
2016 |
103 |
Hashima, A., Becker, T. W., Freed, A. M., Sato, H., and Okaya,
D. A.: Coseismic deformation due to the 2011 Tohoku-oki earthquake:
influence of 3-D elastic structure around Japan.
Earth, Planet., Space, 68, 159,
doi:10.1186/s40623-016-0535-9, 2016.
102 |
Schaeffer, A., Lebedev, S., and Becker, T. W.: Azimuthal seismic
anisotropy in the Earth's upper mantle and the thickness of tectonic
plates. Geophys. J. Int., 207, 901-933, 2016.
supp. mat. |
101 |
Steinberger, B. and Becker, T. W.: A comparison of lithospheric
thickness models. Tectonophys.,
doi:10.1016/j.tecto.2016.08.001, 2016.
100 |
Miller, M. S., O'Driscoll, L. J., Roosmawati, N., Harris, C. W.,
Porritt, R. W., Widiyantoro, S., de Costa, L. T., Soares, E.,
Becker, T. W., and West A. J.: Banda Arc Experiment - Transitions in
the Banda Arc-Australian continental collision.
Seismol. Res. Lett., 87, doi:10.1785/0220160124, 2016.
99 |
Gvirtzman, Z., Faccenna, C., and Becker, T. W.: Isostasy, flexure, and
dynamic topography. Tectonophys., 683, 255-271, 2016.
98 |
Sternai, P., Avouac, J.-P., Jolivet, L., Faccenna, C.,
Gerya, T., Becker, T. W., and Menant, A.:
On the influence of the asthenospheric flow on the tectonics and
topography at a collision-subduction transition zones:
Comparison with the eastern Tibetan margin. J. Geodyn., 100,
184-197, 2016.
97 |
Sembroni, A., Faccenna, C., Becker, T. W., Molin, P., and Bekele, A.:
Long-term, deep mantle support of the Ethiopia-Yemen plateau.
Tectonics, 35, 469-488, doi:10.1002/2015TC004000, 2016.
2015 |
96 |
Auer, L., Becker, T. W., Boschi, L., and Schmerr, N.: Thermal
structure, radial anisotropy, and dynamics of oceanic boundary
layers. Geophys. Res. Lett., 42, 9740-9749,
doi:10.1002/2015GL066246, 2015.
| 95 |
Uhl, J. T., Pathak, S., Schorlemmer, D., Liu, X., Swindeman, R.,
Brinkman, B. A. W., LeBlanc, M., Tsekenis, G., Friedman, N.,
R. Behringer, Denisov, D., Schall, P., Gu, X., Wright, W. J.,
Hufnagel, T., Jennings, A., Greer, J. R., Liaw, P. K., Becker, T. W.,
Dresen, G., and Dahmen, K. A.: Universal quake statistics: From
compressed nanocrystals to earthquakes. Sci. Rep., 5, 16493,
| 94 |
Becker, T. W., Lowry, A. R., Faccenna, C., Schmandt, B., Borsa, A.,
and Yu, C.: Western U.S. intermountain seismicity caused by changes in
upper mantle flow. Nature, 524, 458-461, 2015.
| 93 |
Corsetti, F. A., K. A. Ritterbush, D. J. Bottjer, S. E. Greene,
Y. Ibarra, J. A. Yager, A. J. West, W. M. Berelson, S. Rosas,
T. W. Becker, N. M. Levine, S. J. Loyd, R. C. Martindale, V.
A. Petryshyn, N. R. Carroll, E. Petsios, O. Piazza, C. Pietsch,
J. L. Stellmann, J. R. Thompson, K. A. Washington, and D. T. Wilmeth:
Investigating the paleoecological consequences of supercontinent
breakup: Sponges clean up in the Early Jurassic. Sediment. Rec.,
13, 4-10, doi:10.2110/sedred.2015.2, 2015.
| 92 |
Holt, A. F., Buffett, B. A., and Becker, T. W.: Overriding plate
thickness control on subducting plate
curvature. Geophys. Res. Lett., 42,
3802-3810, doi:10.1002/2015GL063834, 2015.
| 91 |
Becker, T. W., Schaeffer, A. J., Lebedev, S., and
Conrad, C. P.: Toward a generalized plate motion reference frame.
Geophys. Res. Lett., 42, 3188-3196, doi:10.1002/2015GL063695,
supp. mat.
| 90 |
Jagoutz, O., Royden, L., Holt, A. F., and Becker, T. W.: Anomalously
fast convergence between India and Eurasia caused by double
subduction. Nature Geosc., 8, 475-478, doi:10.1038/ngeo2418,
supp. mat.
89 |
Holt, A. F., Becker, T. W., and Buffett, B. A.: Trench migration
and overriding plate stress in dynamic subduction models.
Geophys. J. Int., 201, 172-192, 2015.
2014 |
88 |
Porritt, R. W., Becker, T. W., and Monsalve, G.: Seismic anisotropy
and slab dynamics from SKS splitting recorded in Colombia.
Geophys. Res. Lett., 41, 8775-8783,
doi:10.1002/2014GL061958, 2014.
87 |
Sun, D., Miller, M. S., Holt, A. F., and Becker, T. W.: Hot upwelling
conduit beneath the Atlas Mountains, Morocco.
Geophys. Res. Lett., 41, 8037-8044,
doi:10.1002/2014GL061884, 2014.
supp. mat.
86 |
Yarce, Y., Monsalve, G., Becker, T. W., Cardona, A., Poveda, E.,
Alvira, D., Ordoñez-Carmona, O.: Seismological observations in
Northwestern South America: Evidence for two subduction segments,
contrasting crustal thicknesses and upper mantle flow.
Tectonophys., 637, 57-67, 2014.
85 |
Faccenna, C., Becker, T. W., Miller, M. S., Serpelloni, E., and
Willett, S. D.: Isostasy, dynamic topography, and the elevation of the
Apennines of Italy. Earth Planet. Sci. Lett., 407, 163-174,
84 |
Becker, T. W., Conrad, C. P., Schaeffer, A. J., and Lebedev, S.:
Origin of azimuthal seismic anisotropy in oceanic plates and mantle.
Earth Planet. Sci. Lett., 401, 236-250, 2014.
83 |
Schmandt, B., Jacobsen, S. D., Becker, T. W., Liu, Z., and Dueker,
K. G.: Dehydration melting at the top of the lower mantle.
Science, 334, 1265-1268, 2014.
82 |
Faccenna, C., Becker, T. W., Auer, L., Billi, A., Boschi, L., Brun,
J.-P., Capitanio, F. A., Funiciello, F., Horvath, F., Jolivet, L.,
Piromallo, C., Royden, L., Rossetti, F., and Serpelloni, E.: Mantle
dynamics in the Mediterranean.
Rev. Geophys., 52, 283-332, 2014.
81 |
Miller, M. S. and Becker, T. W.: Reactivated lithospheric-scale
discontinuities localize dynamic uplift of the Moroccan Atlas
Mountains: Comment - Reply. Geology, 42, 338, 2014.
80 |
Goebel, T. H. W., Becker, T. W., Sammis, C. G., Dresen. G., and
Schorlemmer, D.: Off-fault damage and acoustic emission distributions
during the evolution of structurally-complex faults over series of
stick-slip events. Geophys. J. Int., 197, 1705-1718, 2014.
79 |
Auer, L., Boschi , L., Becker, T. W., Nissen-Meyer, T. and Giardini,
D.: Savani: a variable-resolution whole-mantle model of anisotropic
shear-velocity variations based on multiple datasets.
J. Geophys. Res. - Solid Earth, 119, 3006-3034,
doi:10.1002/2013JB010773, 2014.
78 |
Becker, T. W., Faccenna, C., Humphreys, E. D., Lowry, A. R., and
Miller, M. S.: Static and dynamic support of western U.S. topography.
Earth Planet. Sci. Lett., 402, 234-246, 2014.
77 |
Goebel, T. H. W., Candela, T., Sammis, C. G., Becker,
T. W., Dresen, G., and Schorlemmer, D.:
Seismic event distributions and off-fault damage during
frictional sliding of saw-cut surfaces with predefined
roughness. Geophys. J. Int., 196, 612-625, 2014.
76 |
Miller, M. S. and Becker, T. W.: Reactivated lithospheric-scale
discontinuities localize dynamic uplift of the Moroccan Atlas
Mountains. Geology, 42, 35-38, 2014.
2013 |
75 |
Goebel, T. H. W., Sammis, C. G., Becker, T. W., Dresen, G., and
Schorlemmer, D.: A comparison of seismicity characteristics and fault
structure between stick-slip experiments and nature. Pure
Appl. Geophys., doi:10.1007/s00024-013-0713-7, 2013.
74 |
Yamato, P., Husson, L., Becker, T. W., and
Pedoja, K.: Passive margins getting squeezed in the mantle convection vice.
Tectonics, 32, 1599-1570, doi:10.1002/2013TC003375, 2013.
73 |
Alpert, L. A., Miller, M. S., Becker, T. W., and Allam, A. A.:
Structure beneath the Alboran from geodynamic flow models and seismic
anisotropy. J. Geophys. Res. - Solid Earth, 118, 4265-4277,
doi:10.1002/jgrb.50309, 2013.
72 |
Faccenna, C., Becker, T. W., Jolivet, L., and Keskin, M.: Mantle
convection in the Middle East: Reconciling Afar upwelling, Arabia
indentation and Aegean trench rollback. Earth
Planet. Sci. Lett., 375, 254-269, 2013.
71 |
Miller, M. S., Allam, A. A., Becker, T. W., Di
Leo, J., and Wookey, J.: Constraints on the geodynamic evolution of the westernmost
Mediterranean and northwestern Africa from shear wave splitting
Earth Planet. Sci. Lett., 375, 234-243, 2013.
70 |
Platt, J. P. and Becker, T. W.: Kinematics of rotating panels of
E-W faults in the San Andreas system: what can we tell from geodesy?
Geophys. J. Int., 194, 1295-1301, 2013.
69 |
Goebel, T. H. W., Schorlemmer, D., Becker,
T. W., Dresen, G., and Sammis, C. G.: Acoustic emissions document
stress changes over many seismic cycles in stick-slip experiments.
Geophys. Res. Lett., 40, 2049-2054,
68 |
Ghosh, A., Becker, T. W., and Humphreys, E. D.: Dynamics of the North
American continent. Geophys. J. Int., 194, 651-669, 2013.
67 |
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Gérault, M., Becker, T. W., Kaus, B. J. K., Faccenna, L.,
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Goebel, T. H. W., Becker, T. W., Schorlemmer, D., Stanchits, S.,
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Becker, T. W.: On recent seismic tomography for the western United
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Becker, T. W., Lebedev, S., and Long, M. D.: On the relationship
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Faccenna, C., Becker, T. W., Lallemand, S., Lagabrielle, Y.,
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Faccenna, C. and Becker, T. W.: Shaping mobile belts by small-scale
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News & views
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Ghosh, A., Becker, T. W., and Zhong, S.: Effects of lateral viscosity
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Kaus, B. J. P., Liu, Y., Becker, T. W., Yuen, D., and Shi, Y.:
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Bailey, I. W., Becker, T. W., and Ben-Zion, Y.:
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Qin, Y., Capdeville, Y., Montagner, J.-P., Boschi, L., and
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Milner, K., Becker, T. W., Boschi, L., Sain, J., Schorlemmer, D. and
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Becker, T. W., Conrad, C. P., Buffett, B. and
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Kaus, B. J. P., Steedman, C., and Becker, T. W.:
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Platt, J. P., Kaus, B. J. P. and Becker, T. W.: The
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Faccenna, C., Rossetti, F., Becker, T. W., Danesi, S., and
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Funiciello, F., Faccenna, C., Heuret, A., Di Giuseppe, E., Lallemand,
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Boschi, L., Becker, T. W., and Steinberger, B.:
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Becker, T. W.: Azimuthal seismic anisotropy constrains net rotation
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Becker, T. W., Kustowski, B., Ekström, G.:
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2007 |
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Boschi, L., Becker, T. W., and Steinberger, B.: Mantle plumes:
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Becker, T. W., Ekström, G., Boschi, L., and Woodhouse, J.: Length
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Becker, T. W., Browaeys, J. T., and Jordan, T. H.: Stochastic analysis
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Faccenna, C., Heuret, A., Funiciello, F., Lallemand, S., and Becker,
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Becker, T. W.: On the effect of temperature and strain-rate dependent
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Becker, T. W., Chevrot, S., Schulte-Pelkum, V.,
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Becker, T. W., Schulte-Pelkum, V., Blackman,
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Piromallo, C., Becker, T. W., Funiciello, F., and Faccenna,
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Boschi, L., T. W. Becker, G. Soldati, and A M. Dziewonski, On the
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Becker, T. W., Hardebeck, J. L., and Anderson,
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Simons, F. J., Becker, T. W., Kellogg, J. B., Billen, M.,
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2003 |
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Becker, T. W. and Boschi, L.: A comparison of tomographic and
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Becker, T. W. and O'Connell, R. J.:
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Becker, T. W.: Deterministic Chaos in two State-variable Friction
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Becker, T. W., Kellogg, J. B., and O'Connell, R. J.:
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Becker, T. W., Faccenna, C., O'Connell, R. J., and Giardini, D.:
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Becker, T. W. and Braun, A.: New program maps geoscientific datasets interactively.
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Dahm, T. and Becker, T.: On the elastic and viscous properties of
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Our research has been funded by NSF, NASA, USGS, Chevron, DAAD,
and the Humboldt Foundation. Their support is greatfully acknowledged.