*DISCCRS Interdisciplinary Training for Recent Ph.D. Graduates Engaged in Climate-Change Research http://www.aslo.org/phd/disccrsposter.pdf http://aslo.org/phd.html DISCCRS II Symposium    March 26 - April 2, 2006    Asilomar Conference Center    Pacific Grove, CA Register now to become part of the DISCCRS network and receive the DISCCRS newsletter After years of specialization, today's graduates increasingly find themselves on a multi-dimensional trajectory that requires a breadth of knowledge sufficient to make connections between distant disciplines, and a global network of colleagues from different backgrounds. It can take years to gain the necessary collegial networks and experience to work effectively. DISCCRS, an initiative funded by NSF and NASA, seeks to jump-start the process. Recent Ph.D. graduates from all disciplines and countries are invited to join the DISCCRS program and apply to be a DISCCRS Symposium Fellow. Annual symposia will bring together 36 new scholars from the natural and social sciences, humanities, mathematics, engineering and other fields to foster collegial networking, understanding across disciplinary, institutional and geographic boundaries, and early-career development. Participants will present their research in plenary sessions. Established interdisciplinary professionals will be on hand to share their perspectives. Consultants will teach participants to communicate across disciplines and with a non-specialist audience. Representatives of Federal agencies will describe programs and funding opportunities. Time will be provided for informal interactions as well. Graduates completing Ph.D. requirements between Oct. 1, 2002 - Sept. 30, 2005 are eligible to apply for the DISCCRS II Symposium. Symposium application deadliine is October 2, 2005. Support for symposium travel and on-site expenses will be provided for selected applicants. An electronic newsletter and web-based resources make the DISCCRS program accessible to a global audience. A unique feature is the on-line Ph.D. Dissertation Registry, which introduces graduates to a world-wide community and provides a concise overview of current work. Graduates from all disciplines and countries are encouraged to register their Ph.D. dissertation abstract using the convenient on-line form at http://aslo.org/forms/phdform.html. The webpage archives resources developed for and by symposium participants. Contact: Susan Weiler, weiler@whitman.edu *DISCCRS: Dissertations Initiative for the Advancement of Climate Change Research Supported by the U.S. National Science Foundation, NSF, and National Aeronautics and Space Administration, NASA through grants to Whitman College (EAR-0105201, C.S. Weiler PI) and University of Oregon (EAR- 0435719. R.B. Mitchell PI). This initiative is jointly sponsored by  the following societies: AAG, AERE, AGU, AMS, ASLO, ESA, ESS-ISA.         ***************************************************** ********** C. Susan Weiler, Ph.D.           Office for Earth System Studies    Tel:   509-527-5948           Whitman College                        Fax:  509-527-5961 Walla Walla, WA 99362 weiler@whitman.edu       Programs for Recent PhDs                 http://aslo.org/phd.html   DIALOG poster        http://www.aslo.org/phd/dialogposter.pdf   DISCCRS poster       http://www.aslo.org/phd/disccrsposter.pdf  Workshop Report, Meeting the Needs of Interdisciplinary Ph.D. Graduates in a Changing Global Environment http://marcus.whitman.edu/~weilercs/biocomplexity/               --Apple-Mail-71--680097867 Content-Type: text/enriched; charset=ISO-8859-1 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit HI Torsten -- I was wondering if you would be willing to send this announcement out to your mailing list--
********************************** Please distribute *DISCCRS Interdisciplinary Training for Recent Ph.D. Graduates Engaged in Climate-Change Research http://www.aslo.org/phd/disccrsposter.pdf http://aslo.org/phd.html DISCCRS II Symposium    March 26 - April 2, 2006    Asilomar Conference Center    Pacific Grove, CA Register now to become part of the DISCCRS network and receive the DISCCRS newsletter
After years of specialization, today's graduates increasingly find themselves on a multi-dimensional trajectory that requires a breadth of knowledge sufficient to make connections between distant disciplines, and a global network of colleagues from different backgrounds. It can take years to gain the necessary collegial networks and experience to work effectively. DISCCRS, an initiative funded by NSF and NASA, seeks to jump-start the process. Recent Ph.D. graduates from all disciplines and countries are invited to join the DISCCRS program and apply to be a DISCCRS Symposium Fellow. Annual symposia will bring together 36 new scholars from the natural and social sciences, humanities, mathematics, engineering and other fields to foster collegial networking, understanding across disciplinary, institutional and geographic boundaries, and early-career development. Participants will present their research in plenary sessions. Established interdisciplinary professionals will be on hand to share their perspectives. Consultants will teach participants to communicate across disciplines and with a non-specialist audience. Representatives of Federal agencies will describe programs and funding opportunities. Time will be provided for informal interactions as well. Graduates completing Ph.D. requirements between Oct. 1, 2002 - Sept. 30, 2005 are eligible to apply for the DISCCRS II Symposium. Symposium application deadliine is October 2, 2005. Support for symposium travel and on-site expenses will be provided for selected applicants. An electronic newsletter and web-based resources make the DISCCRS program accessible to a global audience. A unique feature is the on-line Ph.D. Dissertation Registry, which introduces graduates to a world-wide community and provides a concise overview of current work. Graduates from all disciplines and countries are encouraged to register their Ph.D. dissertation abstract using the convenient on-line form at http://aslo.org/forms/phdform.html. The webpage archives resources developed for and by symposium participants. Contact: Susan Weiler, weiler@whitman.edu *DISCCRS: Dissertations Initiative for the Advancement of Climate Change Research Supported by the U.S. National Science Foundation, NSF, and National Aeronautics and Space Administration, NASA through grants to Whitman College (EAR-0105201, C.S. Weiler PI) and University of Oregon (EAR- 0435719. R.B. Mitchell PI). This initiative is jointly sponsored by  the following societies: AAG, AERE, AGU, AMS, ASLO, ESA, ESS-ISA.         ***************************************************** Arial********** C. Susan Weiler, Ph.D.           Office for Earth System Studies    Tel:   509-527-5948           Whitman College                        Fax:  509-527-5961 Walla Walla, WA 99362 weiler@whitman.edu       Programs for Recent PhDs                 http://aslo.org/phd.html   DIALOG poster        http://www.aslo.org/phd/dialogposter.pdf   DISCCRS poster       http://www.aslo.org/phd/disccrsposter.pdf  Workshop Report, Meeting the Needs of Interdisciplinary Ph.D. Graduates in a Changing Global Environment