
Margaret Shanafield (University of Nevada/Desert Research Inst, Reno, USA), Laurel Saito, Michael Rosen, Sudeep Chandra, John Lamers & Bakhriddin Nishonov
"Water quality and aquatic ecosystems in the irrigation run-off lakes of arid Central Asia"


The Khorezm region of Uzbekistan is an area where intensive anthropogenic activity has led to the formation of new ecosystems. We examined the water quality and aquatic foodwebs of four irrigation run-off lakes in this region. Input water is primary from irrigation drainage canals. Ammonium was the dominant N species, with maximum and average ammonium concentrations over all lakes at only 3.00 mg N/L and 0.62 mg N/L, respectively. Total P was always below 0.5 mg P/L. Ammonium peaks occurred in the winter/spring, which did not correspond to the timing of fertilizer application to surrounding fields during the growing season. Mysid shrimp, dragonfly and damselfly larvae, and several introduced fish species were commonly found in the lakes. Although further analyses will include stable isotopes to determine foodweb linkages within the lakes, the water quality conditions found presently in the lakes suggest they may be suitable for irrigation, aquaculture, or recreational uses.