MYRES EarthScape Expo
The centerpiece of the MYRES III 2008 Earthscape Expo is the Dams and Living Rivers Exhibit, a 25 ft long flume where daily demonstrations will illustrate the response of a vegetated stream to dam instillation and removal. The Dams and the Living Rivers Exhibit will start one week prior to the conference and will finish on the last day of MYRES. Three cameras will be mounted above the flume to capture time-lapse experimental data and a topographic laser scan system attached to the flume will showcase how topographic data is captured in the lab and to show grade adjustment changed in the channel over the duration of the experiment.

In addition to the Living Rivers exhibit there will be a Eathscapes video kiosk and a number of table-top exhibits derived from laboratory experiments similar in scale to the 25 ft flume experiment. Don’t miss the Elwha River Model, The River Delta Model , or the Marmot Dam Removal Model!