The Earth Sciences
a haiku by James Kellogg
If not primitive - what ?
If not 670 - where ?
If not primordial - how ?
If not us - who ?
Here are some documents we provide that originated in the first
workshop of the Meeting of Young Researchers in the Earth
Sciences ( community
effort, which was held from August 12 - 15, 2004, in La Jolla CA on
the campus of UC San Diego. Click here to see
a bunch of pictures from the meeting.
Here's a list of documents that you might find helpful.
If you have pubslished or written a proposal based on discussions
during MYRES-I, please let us know!
We have published a meeting write-up, call for proposals and agenda
for the AGU and EGU townhall meetings describing how we intend to move
on from MYRES-I to
EOS Trans. AGU. You can
read a PDF reprint here. This is a
much modified version from what we intended to publish,
you can read the PDF manuscipt here. You
Here are a few general comments on the meeting (
for the full exit evaluation click
"Poster sessions worked well. I got some great feedback on my work
that I'm in the process of converting to a manuscript.", "I really
enjoyed the key note lectures!", "I'll tell my peers to apply next
time if the subject is appropriate", "Food-terrible", "Was worth
my while and really enjoyed this for the most part", "This
conference exceeded my expectations in terms of the amount of material
I learned and was able to communicate", "As a Ph.D. student it was a
good opportunity to think about big ideas", "Excellent meeting, no
doubt this should be continued", "Haven't learnt this much at a
meeting in years, and the confident productive collaborations can come
out of this", "It was a very well organized and I found it generally
an excellent idea", "Keep the meeting".
Things people particularly liked:
"Multi-disciplinary interactions", "Meeting people. Establishing
contacts for future research", "Learned about new ideas for mantle
structure/melting that have affected the way I think about mantle
reservoirs", "Being able to interact with people in other
disciplines @ similar points in their academic career", "To be a
scientifically diverse community", "Easy contact and discussions in
a friendly atmosphere", "Lectures", "Learning more about noble gas
geochemistry", "Getting a better understanding about constraints
from other fields or research", "Community development and
re-invigoration", "Meeting intelligent, friendly scientists",
"Shijie's talk!", "Talk to other researchers and persue future
Things participants wanted to see changed:
"The FORUM, needs to be better focused", "Having a more
multidisciplinary leadership/steering in the forum", "More free/social
time to talk about non-science or to do your own thing", "The food",
"Reduce time given to forums and increase small group meeting times",
"More structured discussion (in the large groups)."
For a brief program description including lecture syllabi
as PDF or
HTML follow
these links. Below you find links for the lecture slides from our
keynote speakers, in PDF format unless indicated otherwise. These
documents reflect a lot of effort from the lecturers and were kindly
provided for personal use. We would like to ask you to inquire before
using this material for purposes other than personal education, and
please reference the source properly.
- Mantle Structure
- Surface Observables
- Heat and Mass Flux
- Boundary Layers
We also provide this
PDF Abstract Volume for
MYRES-I which contains abstracts of those poster presentations for
which we received abstracts from participants. We didn't require
poster presentations, but rather offered the opportunity to informally
discuss your research in two evening sessions.
Part of the afternoon discussions at MYRES were dedicated to ~8 small
groups that met for ~2 hours before everybody reconvened in the
evening FORUM. Those groups had an inter-disciplinary setup for the
first three days, and then reconvened as disciplinary groups on the
closing day. The final tasks for the groups were to identify the major
challenges and opportunities in their field, identify weak and strong
constraints (
things to hang your hat on, scales, and
uncertainties), and point to future avenues of collaborative research.
We have unedited versions of the presentations from each group as
The multi-discplinary groups were initially asked to present proposals
that could substantially advance our understanding of the heat
transport/style of convection problem during the next five years. We
later refined and condensed those proposals.
The initial group proposals were as follows:
We used the last day's FORUM discussion to refine and condense the
proposals that were produced by the working groups earlier in the
week. The main themes we agreed on were
- length scales of heterogeneity, specifically ways to test the plum
pudding extracting model
- upper mantle/tectosphere dynamics and the effect of water
- slabs in the lower mantle/style of subduction
- plumes
- lower mantle dynamics
Preliminary documents:
We are in the process of compiling a glossary of important terms and
lingo. You can
obtain a PDF file with
the terms we intend to explain. Let us know if your favorite
unclear concept isn't in there.
We are in the process of evaluating our exit survey to figure how we
were doing and what changes to the format should be made. You can
download a PDF of
a preliminary
report, including the average and standard deviations of the 50
answers from our exit survey. This document also lists all comment by
participants as to the best and worst aspects of the meeting. We also
the raw data as an Excel
MYRES-I was made possible through funding from the
US National Science Foundation and the
attendance of European researchers was supported by the
European Science Foundation.
On-site support was provided by the Scripps Institution of
Oceanography of the University of California, San Diego.
Thanks to all involved!
participants |
documents |
pictures |
contacts |