Each MYRES will be organized by two chairs who have a two year tenure; they will decide on the meeting's theme and topics and will, importantly, be in charge of enforcing MYRES' spirit and adhering to the ideas set forth in the MYRES proposal and manifesto. Their tasks include selecting a conference site, administration of the meeting's funds, organizing the instructor's recess, organizing the meeting, conducting and analyzing exit and follow up surveys, and supervising updates of the MYRES web-site. Meeting chairs will not convene sessions, but will pick discussion leaders from different disciplines for each day. With their specialist knowledge, these conveners can then either select keynote speakers or give the review lectures themselves.
The first proposed MYRES meeting will have a deep Earth theme (see appendix A.1) but the scientific focus for each conference will be chosen anew from within the range of issues arising in the solid Earth Sciences. While the topic of each MYRES meeting will have to be sufficiently interdisciplinary and be of general importance to draw a wide range of attendees, it should also be focused enough so that a comprehensive exploration of the constraints and issues at stake can be achieved in four days. We will aim to establish a fully democratic process with unrestricted submission of conference proposals and a voting scheme after the initial two MYRES meetings. For the followup meeting after the initial deep Earth MYRES we will, however, focus on a crustal dynamics/plate boundary theme (see, e.g., appendix B.1) to make sure the initial two MYRES conferences reach as wide a cross-section of the solid Earth community as possible.