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The following is a draft of the survey we intend to conduct amongst
participants nine months after each meeting to evaluate the
intermediate to long term impact, specifically the success or failure
in community-building.
MYRES Mid-Term Status Questionnaire
We are sending this questionnaire as a follow-up to the meeting you
attended last summer. Two of the primary goals of that meeting were
to foster a collaborative spirit among the young research community
and to generate free discussions that would lead to breakthroughs in
Earth science. Your responses to these questions now will help us
determine the degree to which we have been successful and how to
change the meeting to better meet these goals in the future.
- Have you started any new research project conceived, at least in
part, at MYRES?
- Did any new collaborations you agreed upon at the meeting
- Were the online lecture notes accesible and of high quality?
- Were the extended abstracts published online useful?
- Do you plan to attend a future MYRES on a topic of interest to
- Do you have any further ideas as to how we can improve this
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Previous: Initial evaluation
Thorsten Becker